Hi, fellow astrologers. What houses/signs and planets would have to do with a profession in marketing? I was thinking Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and the 3rd and 11th house. Saturn because of Aquarius-- marketing campaigns that are seen world-wide. I said 11th house because of networks and social media/internet. And if 11th house can be good for marketing, then could planets in the 5th make one a marketer if the 11th house is empty since it is a strong aspect? All insights are welcomed, especially someone who has predicted marketing as a profession correctly.
Mercury and Venus, yes. But the Saturn connection I don´t see. 3rd for skill, 5th for creativity and clients, but more important than that: 7th cusp for public. Moon is nice in anything marketrelated since it gives you a knack for understanding fluctuations.
Those are my thoughts about it.