hi ernst, i have been practicing on a chart with regard to saturn dasa, and relationship read from the saptamsha, please can you assist with my understanding of it.
a person run saturn/saturn (saturn also AK), saturn in the saptamsha doesn't have, as far as i can see, any 7th/1st factor agenda there, but other planets like jupiter , mars(DK), mercury, do have.
my question is: would saturn dasa not have relationship happen in it? or would only saturn/saturn not create a relationship (the person is not in a relationship, entering saturn/saturn) but in an antardasa that has 1st/7st factor agenda there would be a potential that can lead to a relationship?
how does one understand the meaning of saturn dasa in the context of relationship for that chart ,which doesn't show in the saptamsha relationship agenda? this chart (rasi) has rahu in 7th house and that person before saturn period had started, had a constant failing relationships including failed marriage, so i am wandering if that person, entering saturn period suddenly will stop this trend (in and out of relationship) ? knowing this person it doesn't seem like their interest in relationship has reduced and saturn dasa as a whole is a long period and saturn /saturn is 3 years long so , i just am not sure how to look at the whole thing . also if i look at the navamsha, saturn has a 5th factor agenda which open a potential of marriage in saturn dasha (looking at other planets ,their agenda and their condition). so how can one explain a navamsha marriage opening, but not relationship opening?
thank you.
If saturn dasa is going to giv ea relationship it will often do in saturn saturn due to the reason that saturn saturn gives the results of saturn venus. So if venus can do it, it can happen in saturn venus. Now, saturn also has to ahve some power to do it .It can do it by ruling relationship factors in D60 including ruling the 7th lord from rasi in the D60.