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Hi Everyone

I have learnt a lot from my chart recently, thanks to Ernst and the lessons. I have Rahu in the 12th in Gemini (Ruler Mercury is my Darakaraka). I was separated from my first husband at the time with 2 teenage daughters and an 8 year old son.  I met my second husband abroad (half way round the world) while working for a friend. Subsequently gave up everything back home, taking my son, but daughters were supposed to follow. They didn't end up coming, for various reasons, and the marriage was an illusion and caused me many losses (Darakaraka ruling 12th house?) and we are now separated and he has left the country.  So now, an unbelievable 11 years later, my son and I are stranded on the other side of the world from all family although our current country is a better lifestyle and my son is very settled here.

I can see all this in my chart and I'm thankful that I'm finally getting an explanation.  I see that my 5th house has sun in it, which I think Ernst said can take things away from you (i.e. children?).  But my Atmakaraka is Saturn and every day I think about my duty and responsibility and that I'm not there for my daughters and now grandchildren.  I can't let myself enjoy where I am because I feel guilty that I'm not with them, although I would rather be in this country.

I tried to listen to the lessons many times regarding if you would return home after living overseas but for some reason I just can't understand.  Can anyone help me see if this is a possibility.  When I left home I was in Rahu Mahadasha and now that all makes sense.  Now I am in Jupiter Mahadasha and I'm not sure if that could be significant in returning home one day.  Basically, I just need to know if I will ever return home for good? If so, when?  How do I look for this?

If someone could explain or take a look for me I would be very grateful as I really want to learn. Also please feel free to comment on my own chart analysis of the situation.



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Ernst Wilhelm
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What an adventure Pam. look for your 4th house to get activated to return home, or Ketu, or their lords of course. 

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Thanks Ernst! Does it need to correspond in the dasa's or can it just be by transit?

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@pam additionally to coming back home - not sure where or the dignity of your Jupiter is but that could bring changes (hopefully positive ) in relation with your daughters during it’s dasa. You may also check Ashtakavarga to see in which sign Jupiter gets more points so you know that when Jupiter transits that sign-  the relationship w them has a better chance to improve and get closer in one way or another

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@veronica Thanks.  That's interesting that you relate Jupiter to daughters? I was thinking Jupiter was the husband in a woman's chart but obviously missed this other connection.  In my Rasi chart Jupiter is in 11th in Taurus, retrograde, Krittika Nakshatra. Fortunate house, great enemy sign, stronger retrograde, Nakshatra of cutting ties. That's as far as my newbie analysis will go but I'm learning so much.

I'm currently in Jupiter Dasa so that's promising.  I know my Dasas are correct as I started a job that changed my life on the exact day my Jupiter/Jupiter Dasa started. I am just learning about Dasas and it's fascinating. 

Looking at Ashtakavarga, Jupiter's highest points are 7 for Cancer, so I guess it will be a few years before Jupiter's transit.

Thanks so much for the pointers, it's good to know what I should be looking at.

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@pam I am in a similar situation and if it helps I suggest to  stay in touch through video calls- that has made a huge difference, before whatsapp and facetime relationship w my family was very distant and now we talk more than when we used to live few blocks away from eachother- not a replacement but definitely helps and I can feel their love and support  😉

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@veronica Yes, I think that's a good idea.  We have had video calls before but sometimes it just seems quicker to text and the time difference is very difficult. But text doesn't allow for more detailed talk or actually seeing someone.  I might suggest we have more video calls at a time that suits everyone.  Thanks for the suggestion.

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I wish I had more experience from Varsaphala, the Sun return techniques. That I would try. I believe that if you take that course you will be able to go through the years ahead and find out yourself.

Let me tell you that I feel a little identified with your destiny; I also left my home country many years ago and then had to leave a daughter behind in another country; waiting for her to contact me again. I can relate to your pain, even though I´m happy to live abroad myself.

What´s your Birth Card? I think some of the cards are more prone to go abroad than others (like mine - 5 of Clubs; constant change...), depending on how the cusps and planets are placed of course.


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Hi Mattias

Thanks for your reply.  I will look into the Varsaphala course.  I did listen to it before and made some notes, although I have paused my course membership for a while as I already took in so much info and was getting a bit overwhelmed.  I will return to the videos again when I feel ready but will definitely review what I have on Varsaphala.

It's good to hear from someone else in a similar situation who understands how hard it is.

My Birth Card is Queen of Clubs.  I see you are a Clubs too!  I wish I knew more about the Cards. That's another course I'll have to take!


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@pam Yeah, when I entered Ernstland I decided to do the cards first, they lay a very steady foundation and then you can get choose the fruit you most want from the astrological tree, whether Jaimini, ShadBala or Varsaphala etc. You can get a good grip about the cards in a few months if you study eagerly. But now you question was another... Obviously there are good astrologers on the internet that you can ask; I would for example recommend Laura Barat, one of Ernst´s former students.

Now for the cards... As I said I´m a 5 of Clubs; it´s all about change; 5 represents a hardworking energy that strives for improve something that works, but can get better. Your birthcard, Q of clubs, resonates strongly in that same number; the Queens are related to number 4-5-6 (something that works - improvement - as good as it gets) and the number 5 is especially emphasized. So one of the main themes in your life is improvement (of philosophy, work, inspiration etc); it´s a truth seeking card, so it´s very far from static. Also you Moon card - what you attract rather than cause through your own actions, and how you adapt in the world - is a 5 of Clubs, probably the most changeable card in the deck. So that explains a good part of what you´ve gone through; I´d say... There are many other influences and at the end of the day it also depends on where your cusps and planets fall in the spread (for that one must know the birth time), but the general tendency is definitely one about change and seeking for truth. No wonder your destiny took you abroad.

Also your Neptune card is an indication of what energy connects you most deeply with life, where you experience a purpose and feeling of being alive, and that card is in your case the King of Hearts - a person who is very much prepared to do offerings and sacrifices for love and relations, not being afraid for the pain, or knowing instinctively that the pain has a deeper meaning. You could call it the "tough love card". So you dared to be separated for your daughters for a while. For me that same card is my Ecliptica card, my path - can you see the similarity? 

Your Jupiter card, 7 of Hearts, indicates that the big catastrophe in relations in family life is someway being avoided; huge crisis, yes, but someway you manage to get out of it alive. The love and relation tends to survive. That´s the basic design of the spread, but as I said the personal placements of cusps and planets play in too.

It all seems to mirror your life quite well, don´t you think?

To be able to foretell your future I would have to have your birthdates though, and also I would recommend you to ask a more experienced astrologer.

Best regards

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@meyes Thanks Mattias that is so spot on for my situation, more than you know, as I can relate to a lot of what you said, specially about Jupiter and the 7 of Hearts.  In many ways, I did avoid a catastrophe of a life when I moved away.  It was a lot to do with their father that I decided my life would never change if I didn't take the chance I was presented. The daughters do understand this part of why I left so the love and relations do remain, although distant. I had planned for them to follow but as they both had babies in the meantime that negated the visa that they would have been able to get as they couldn't have dependents.

I can also relate to the rest of what you said about the Neptune card and I can see the similarities you mention in our cards.  I do feel that where I am now has much more purpose, specially jobwise. I have sacrificed higher pay for a job that I feel fulfils my purpose.  I also have a purpose in staying here to protect my son until he is older.  So, in a way, for the last 11 years, I have sacrificed them to protect him and give him a better life.

I thought about having a professional reading but decided I would invest in the lessons and Kala software so that I could study it myself, as I have studied Western Traditional astrology on and off for many years. William Lily's Christian Astrology is a book I have carried with me around the world! I am always a seeker of truth which explains my constant fascination with anything spiritually related.  I would be very happy for you to look at my chart if you have the time and I'm sure it would help me understand more about the cards.  You have been very accurate so far and thanks for giving me a lot to think about just with that. I keep reading what you have written and relating it in different ways.

My birth details are:

8 Nov 1964
8.45 pm
London, UK

My current location is Sydney, Australia.  Yes, I couldn't have got any further could I? 

Thanks again for taking the time to reply.



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