Spouse’s Finances +...
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Spouse’s Finances + Family

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Happy Halloween, astro community!

I have 2 questions that are spouse related. Can you help me? Huge thanks in advance.

1. How can we predict the wealth of the spouse? In Rasi and D9 (I assume both is needed?)

2. How can we see if the spouse comes from a big family or not?


Thank you all so much. And Happy Halloween! 

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You can read about your spouse from your D-1 chart. So spouse is 7th house that becomes the spouse, then the 8th house is the spouse's resources (2nd house), the 9th house from the Lagna or 3rd from the 7th is your spouse's siblings and so on... that is how i read many things from my Rasi chart....



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@tuyetv Beautiful, thank you so much for the response Tuyet! I have heard of this technique but have never put it into practice. Will certainly do so!

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You might also wanna look at the lord of the Upapada according the Jaimini Audio Course.

Jamini Sutra 1.4.9: 'That in exaltation - wife gain from best/nobelst family'

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@kaf Hi Kaspar! Thank you so much for the response. Ah, yes! The UP -- I forgot about that one. That would actually be super fun to practice on members of the British Royal Family (and good time too since I'm watching The Crown right now. 


I haven't yet listened to Ernst's Jaimini Audio Course but it's on my list. Thanks a bunch! 
