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Jun 21, 2023 9:09 pm
Hi, I have a question about theSudarshana chakra I know it’s mentioned in Brihat hora Shastra but does anyone know a contemporary book on this? I can’t seem to find too much material on it and I know Ernst has mentioned he has not taught a course on it yet much appreciated. Thank you.
3 Replies
Jul 19, 2023 3:36 am
I haven't found any contemporary sources on it either. Sudarshana Chakra is similar to the helenistic technique called annual profections. I have found it more helpful to look at how the old helenistic authors like Valens and Firmicus Maternus used it. Chris Brennan's book has a chapter on it which is good too. The main difference is that Parasara makes the sign of the year the lagna for that year, whereas the helenistic authors don't