AmK for career deta...
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AmK for career details

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I read online about a technique with which, if it´s true, may get more details about the career. Not so much which career as how, in what way.

So: Where is the AmK in relation to the Karakamsa? (Karakamsa=the AK´s placement in the Navamsa projected onto the Rasi chart, so the sign in the Rasi chart in which the Svamsa falls in D9)

For example, in my case: AmK is in the 4th from Karakamsa. Saying that my work has something to do with my home, most probably I´m going to work from home. That his been very true, I´ve been a self-employee working at home all my life.

Question: Does anyone have any experience from this technique? Is it reliable?


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I checked Ernst´s chart. His AmK is in the 7th from his Karakamsa lagna. His has his audience and he is also working with his wife.

My wife has her AmK in the 8th from Jupiter. She´s a healer, really good at diagnose her patient. She´s a chaneler and the best card reader I ever met. (Well, actually once I met someone equally good.) Interesting fact: Noone taught her the cards, she just carry the knowledge with her. Extremelly detailed predictions.

For Leo Tolstoy that we are discussing in another thread it´s the third. I´m not sure what to do out of that. Siblings? Skills, practicalities?

For my late father-in-law it was the 11th. He was a commander in the border control. Quite a title.

So far the technique seems to work.


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Oh wow! Super interesting. And thank you for sharing those examples. 

At first I read this as how many houses away the AmK is from the Svamsa. I was about to type that mine was 6 houses away and that my work has been fitness and health focused. Soon to veer into healing. 

From the Karakamsa, it's 7 houses away. All of my work also deals with the public. 

Pretty cool! 

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@curioussoul Nice. Just to be sure that we understand each other: When you mean Svamsa you meant you looked at the distance between the Svamsa and the AmK in the Navamsa first? When we project the Svamsa on the Rasi chart it becomes the Karakamsa lagna and it´s from there that we count. Agree?


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@staffan Yes! I did both. First one was the distance between Svamsa and the AmK in the D9. Then I did the Karakamsa way that you described.

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(@Anonymous 35065)
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Mine is in 9th and I work as a financial analyst in a bank. The interpretation would be that I was required to have an university degree and to judge the financial situation so that loans are granted for the right purpose, so judging & respecting ethics. I also left a job because to me it wasn't aligned with my moral principals and the management was not considering my judgement (loans were granted to bad companies).

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@shugara2002 It would be interesting to see if there is some kind of affliction there, since it in some way lead you to - if this technique is accurate - leave your job. Or you did not pursue the career that you should have, one related to ethics, academia or marriage.... Yet? Still time to find a new one, perhaps?

I wonder if, especially for a woman I guess, it could be being a housewife too? "My marriage is my career." I guess so.


(@Anonymous 35065)
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@staffan when I was little I wanted to become a doctor, I changed my mind after high school and went to study economics - marketing. I started to work in a bank  and I never wanted to leave the banking system until recently. Now I plan to go back to university, become a primary school teacher and al practice astrology. I wouldn't like to be only a housewife. I attached Rasi & D-9 🙂

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@shugara2002 So, from what I can see it´s not a 9- but a 5-position in your chart. You AK Sun is in Virgo in D9, that you project on the Rasi chart. So you count from Virgo in D-1, until you reach the AmK, which is the Moon in Capricorn. At least that´s how I´ve understood the technique.

So 5th. Children, creativity, self expression. Sounds more like a school teacher than a banker, for sure.

Although 5th house also represents clients, so working with clients...


(@Anonymous 35065)
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@staffan Yes, you are right, I counted from AK, not AmK. I am a very creative person and thinking about this I remembered that as a child I was making bracelets and selling them at school 🙂 Also I was sewing clothes for myself and my friends

Ernst Wilhelm
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Neat technique, will give it a try but seems to have some promise. 

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