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Combust career planets

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Hi folks, when consulting people about potential careers, where do you stand on combust planets? As we know, Venus and Mercury are often combust in people's charts for example. Does that mean that you wouldn't necessarily recommend these people to pursue careers related to Mercury and Venus, as they might not work out very well for them (or their path may be hidden somehow)? Or do we only focus on what the career planets are (+ combined with house cusps and signs) and not worry too much about the strength or dignity of the planets, going by the motto of "better to follow your swadharma badly, then follow someone else's swadharma well"?

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Amit Bhat
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The barriers to svadharma are the bad LAs, unless person fixes them, it's hard to enjoy any career they do. Like Rahu or Saturn hurting sun can give low self esteem and that will keep attracting circumstances that will show them their low self esteem until they destroy this bad LA somehow. Same for combustion, where the person has come to peace within themselves when sun is not letting the planet's agenda to flourish 

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Also it's good if person career planets are great LA planets and vice versa 

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Often you will see certain planet placements/combination that are good for certain type of careers but they may not be in good avasthas. Does that mean the person should not pursue those types of careers? I don't think so in my personal opinion as per Jaimini that is the type of careers that they should do and have the skills for. They should do what they are meant to do and work on improving the bad avasthas to get more fulfillment out of their careers. Career planets and avasthas should be worked together rather than you have bad avasthas so you should not be pursuing this career....

I have exalted Mars, Sun, Mercury in 7th House so i have a combust Mars. Mercury is retrograde so no combustion there. Mars Mercury conjunction is not great. But those planet combination in the 7th House as well as looking at my D-9, per Jaimini technique, it tells me certain type of careers that i will be good at. Am I in the career that i meant to do? Yes, and I am good at it. But do i have problems with the combust Mars in the 7th and in conjunction with Mercury. Definitely. It certain reduces the fulfillment i feel at the end of the day, but i still enjoy what I do because i find purpose and i have the right skills for that job which for me translates to financial success.

Several years ago I decided to work on Mars. Mars is exalted but it is combust and it creates problems when I interact with people especially in the 7th House. Exalted Mars gives me extreme capacity to get things done especially with the Akriti Yoga (Shankti) that i have. Mars in not powerful in the 7th as he has more Dig Bala in the 10th or the Ascendant. My Mars is still powerful because he is on an angle, rasi aspected by a good Moon and he is on an angle from Jupiter. Success is there in career, authoritative position because of this strong Mars. Mars is also the 5th Lord in the 7th which is a yoga for fame and success, but at the same time 5th Lord in the 7th is not good for relationship.

With the combust Mars, i am short with people,  very direct (lack diplomacy),  and i get frustrated easily. Mars Mercury combination often can indicate boundaries issues. 7 years ago once i learned about all of this, i decided to work on my Mars. I really work on it because i want to change internally to get more fulfillment in my inner life. I have to work at it everyday, consciously, but at some point the subconscious takes over and gradually i have changed. Am I still working at it? Yes. To correct an exalted planet takes a lot of mental work. I have worked on creating boundaries in dealing with people meaning I do not cross over someone's else lane even if I do it with good intention, and i do not let them cross over my lane. I meditate to give me the calmness of the mind so i can be more patient with people. It has improved my relationship with people at work and that  brings me a deeper sense of job satisfaction...

Often time many of us are not blessed with both good avasthas and the "right career". Life would be so nice if everything lines up, but that is not how life is. Certain planet combination may be great for career but not so good avasthas wise. You should do what you are meant to do and at the same time work on fixing that bad avasthas as we all have something to fix. That is why life is so complicated yet rewarding at the same time....



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Amit Bhat
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I have combust mars too, I can relate to the pain you mention. 

Mars and Venus are really the doorway to ultimate happiness because mars is 3 and Venus is 6. If we add 1,2 and 3 we get 6. And if we add until 6 we get 3 again.  That means having a great Venus needs a strong mars underneath.

Then if we square 3, it gives 9. 6 square gives 36 whose addition is also 9. 9 is the absolute internal fulfilment which is highly dependent on 3 and 6; mars and Venus respectively. 

Ernst was explaining this concept and I found it so fascinating. A chart where mars and Venus are struggling not only struggle to achieve fulfilment in the world but also at internal spiritual level. They have to overcome a big battle for external and internal happiness.

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@amit Tell me about it... I have a good Venus - in GF dignity in the 9th, ruling the 5th and 12th. Together with my AK Moon my best planet. It rules Mars. But my Mars is in E dignity. Jupiter shamed and in bad dignity. Saturn starved with Rahu. I have a huge internal battle - I´m fighting it right now in ways that spirits have told me - and indeed, it´s not easy. The goal is just there, sometimes I feel that I can reach it any moment. But sometimes it feels like a mirage in the desert.

Prayers would be much appreciated. I have to overcome this.


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You need to do something which will improve all things together over the long run like kriya yoga. Then workout each issue individually as well on daily basis one by one.

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@tuyetv Very well said.

I´m changing subject here, to a degree. I wonder about your experience of having Sun and Mercury in the 7th. I have it too. And also the 7th lord in the 5th, similar, I believe, to the other way round.

If you want to share it.


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Mercury Sun conjunction in the 7th is decent. Mercury is retrograde. Mercury Sun yoga is pretty common. I have always been a good information seeker, researcher, investigator as i used to do a lot of legal research to write up cases or position papers. Mercury is commerce and it is in 7th house, the house of the public.  I deal with the public all the time. The problem with Mercury Mars conjunction is sometime i research so much that i feel like i need to do even more and can't make a decision. When Mercury starves Mars, it creates problems for the instinct. Mercury is about investing, stock trading so instead of sell high and buy low you wait like a sitting duck, and things don't work out. Also with the combust Mars, it affects Mercury in communication and speech. That control is needed in Mars. Mercury Mars we tend to want to have the last word and even if we do have the last word, but if internally we don't feel happy or fulfill then what is the purpose of having the last word? It just creates more friction and unhappiness... You know the saying win the battle but lost the war...

5th Lord in the 7th is loss of child or spouse and not good for relationship. My D-7 Jupiter is rasi aspect by Rahu and is in an enemy sign so relationship and children are simply not there. This 5th in the 7th could be loss of a child or spouse here. My understanding of this yoga is either the person has many relationships, or is married but is having affairs or in a rare scenario the person is afraid of commitments. It could also mean loss of a child either death or simply that child is taken away for some reasons. In my case i have a fear of commitment and i simply never wanted to commit. I am very independent both financially and emotionally, and the thought of having someone tells me how to spend my money or just losing that freedom to do what i want to do at moment notice is probably why i never get involved in serious relationships. I enjoy being around people but they do drain my energy level so i need to be on my own to recharge quite often. Probably not good for relationships when I tell someone to go away and leave me alone for 3 months... Relationships here is more than just romantic. I have friends and they come and go which does not bother me probably because my Mercury is in a moveable sign. Furthermore, my Atmakaraka is Mars and Mars is not a relationship centered planet so all of that sort of fit in with 5th Lord in the 7th for me...

I was playing around with Human Design and i found out i am a Manifestor 2/4. The hermit/opportunist description really fits my personality. For COT i am the Queen of Spades, and as time allows i am learning more about her. She is quite interesting and she requires a lot of internal work though...





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@tuyetv Very interesting, I always learn a lot reading your thoughts.

Of course your independence and low interest for a relationship is very much seen in your BC as well. The most self-reliant card of them all possibly, in a preserving way, that is. JS is afraid of noone and challenges life, but he doesn´t have the smooth pace and harmony as QS has. And KS is a force of deep change, so it works in  a different way.

And the EC is 8H: Selflove, emotional self reliance.

Just saying.

Having the Sun in the 7th would give you strong, even dominating partners. I don´t see why QS wouldn´t have been able to handle that, but an EX Mars in the 7th is probably not that interested in giving up any ground. And as you say: Being the AK, not being interested in having a relation at all.

As said I have Sun in the 7th myself and indeed, my women have been strong characters.


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@tuyetv Interesting! As I was reading your comment, I was wondering if you had the 2/4 profile in HD, and then you mentioned you do...and a Manifestor, which naturally repels others since it doesn't want to be influenced by another. This is really interesting to me because of the Mercury in the 7th, which has no makes sense that Mars is EX and is making you quite capable of being alone and do your own thing. We know that Mars is the celibate. Being in relationships would take your time and pull you away from your studies, which Mars is focused on. Fascinating. Thanks for sharing!

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@suzanstars Yes, Mercury generally is not strong in the 7th House. My Mercury is retrograde. But I have always felt i have a decent Mercury as i used to do a lot of legal research  (Mercury is man's law). I am always researching, investigating, looking for choices probably too much and can't make decision because of Mars conjunction. When I look at my D-4 where Mercury is the main player, my Mercury is good there. For a comprehensive analysis if i only look at the Rasi, i would not think my Mercury is good but it actually is pretty decent. I make good investments and a good Mercury does that...

I think Ernst said for a woman Jupiter is more important in the context of marriage for the obvious reason that Jupiter represents the husband. Jupiter is also my DK in my chart. Jupiter, the main planet in D-7, is very important in a woman's chart, are you co-creating together? If you are not doing things together then it would be tough to have children. Liking my solitude i can see why D-7 is not my strong area in life. That is not to say i don't like children because I do enjoy them. I just was very lukewarm about having them as a responsibility. Someone who has 5 kids with multiple partners probable means that person has a good Saptamsa but a bad Navamsa.

In analyzing my Jupiter in addition to D-7 and D-9, i also looked at the "conclusion of all things varga D-60" and my Jupiter is debilitated. That is very interesting to me because the D-60 confirms the condition of my Jupiter as it relates to husband and children. In my Rasi Jupiter is in great friend, 10th House so it is a strong Jupiter.  It is my raja yoga too. Jupiter helps other planets to manifest for sure, but itself does not get a lot of help in return. Jupiter is rasi aspected by Venus and Saturn. Saturn is a separator and Venus starves Jupiter. Jupiter is bad in D-7. By looking at other relevant vargas, i have a better assessment of the true picture of Jupiter. 

What i find so fascinating about astrology is that my brother has a debilitated Venus in the Rasi. But he has a beautiful Navamsa with exalted Venus. For a man Venus is important, and Venus is the main planet in the Navamsa. If you just look at the Rasi you would think he probably was not going to find a wife. He has a very strong happy marriage, but he did get married later in life in his mid 30s. So to really analyze the condition of a planet I think you need to look at more than just the Rasi. I think one has to look at the Varga where that planet is the main player to see the strength of that planet, what that planet can give or not give...

No i have not looked at the UP techniques to see if marriage is indicated. I should just to test it one of these days. Thanks for the suggestion!



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@tuyetv Agreed. It's always best to analyze the planet in full by looking at the Vargas to see the full picture, yet we can tell quite a lot with the Rasi itself based on the Avasthas there. I completely understand about having a starved Jupiter...yet I think that I would rather have a starved Jupiter than any other planet starved because it's an easiest one to work with especially if we're studying these types of subjects. Some good ways to heal Jupiter issues are to study scripture, esoteric and occult subjects, and lots of contemplation time etc. But for people not doing that, Jupiter starved can be quite painful. For relationships, I still analyze Venus even for women since it's the relationship/marriage karaka. My DK is also we only get one planet to see what's happening in relation to the partner. Makes things simpler and more fixed. Jupiter is also the key planet to look at the D20 to see the level of devotion or manifesting ability. It can be lots of fun to work with Brihaspati!

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@suzanstars Agree. The Avasthas very important in the Rasi. Venus is important too because it represents "relationship". Mine is starved by Saturn but rasi aspect by Jupiter. In Navamsa Venus is actually quite good. Perhaps it explains that i dont lack relationships/interests just never reached to married and children state. The funny thing is with 5th Lord in the 7h, it is always me the one who withdrew and not the other party...

You seem to know about HD - I don't know anything about HD. What does it say about Manifestor 2/4 type, i am curious if you don't mind sharing. thx!



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@tuyetv It's said that Manifestors are about 9% of the population. It's one of the rarer types from the four Aura types in HD. It's considered a 'non-energy' type since it doesn't have the generating force that the Generators or Manifesting Generators have by having the sacral energy defined at birth. It doesn't mean you don't have access to this ever, it just means that it's not a consistent thing if during the time of your birth it wasn't being activated. The aura type is the most universal thing to understand and then you work your way into the particulars. Like I had mentioned before, Manifestors have what is termed as a repelling aura, meaning the aura isn't welcoming for others to invade it. I like to say it's a protective device as to refusing to be influenced or being told what to do by someone else. That just makes Manifestors angry. Being told what to do is different from informing; so, for the Manifestor types, it's best to inform and keep it factual.

The 2/4 is the profile, which is termed the destiny of the person. The 2 is in the personality side while the 4 is based on the body. The keywords for the 2/4 is hermit/opportunists because the 2 is a loner type, wanting to do their own thing based on following one's own interests and exploring those. The thing with the 2nd line is that they don't know what they shine at lots of times because they're too busy doing and not seeing themselves shine so they need others that see them shine to call them out. But they definitely resist being called out because that usually means they have work to do by focusing on one thing as opposed to just roaming. The 4th line is social and needs a community to achieve the great things. So, as you can see it's a conundrum with the 2/4 because on one side, it's a loner (2) needing lots of alone time while on the other hand, the body is needing to be around others. So, it's a constant push/pull that the 2/4 experiences throughout until they come into knowing what their unique ability is and focus on that then they can achieve lots of things. But that happens based on being called out and seeing their brightness (svadharma) - that is why having the right community is extremely important for anyone with the 4th line. When being surrounded by the right people, the 4th line can achieve their goals because everything happens through the support of others in their community. They say that for a 4th line, you don't leave a partner until you have another one lined up, which always comes from their community. 

These are just some of the basics...then you would want to explore the energy centers, gates and lines. It gets very detailed. Hope that's useful to you. 

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@suzanstars I laugh when you said Manifestors don't like being told but informing is ok. Very true. I have been very lucky with my career in having good bosses. They just left me alone to do my work. That is probably why my work life is very productive. Some people said when they hear my boss and I talked, they are not sure who is the boss. Very in charge/control type of a personality for sure. I have a very busy 7th House always dealing with the public or taking care of people, and i look forward to my time alone to recharge. I love taking walks, gardening, study astrology, listening to music etc... But i also enjoy being with friends and family so not anti-social. There is always that pull between 1/7 axis and learning to balance it. Thanks for the analysis!



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is their maybe a possibility to write a personal note oder something like that? 🙏




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@stellaris Hi Regina, what is your email? I will be traveling for work in the next few weeks but will get back...



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while I deleted my comment with my email I deleted your comment by accident too- I’m sorry

I don’t understand your reason really but of course I will respect it🙏🏻

I just put my Birthdates spontaneously here in because its really a rare chance to find another emotional Manifestor 2/4 and it seems to me like a “Star hour” to find another one like me in this realm.

Of course I can do a reading for you if you want, but my truely intention was an exchange  of experiences.

If you should change your mind you will find me here:

This is an inviting link to a manifestorgroup in german but with the possibility to translate in english.

have a good time

with kind regards


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@tuyetv Have you looked at the UP technique to see if marriage is indicated in your chart?

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@tuyetv Interesting about the Me starving Ma from someone who has this. I don't have Mars starved by Mercury at all, so this is not an avastha I am very familiar with even though I can recall what the 'course' said. Anything else about Me starving Ma in your experience?

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@scott-m-19 Hi Scott, i am sure everyone Mars Mercury conjunction will be different than mine depending on the House they are in, and other factors. My Mars is exalted and Mercury is retrograde in the 7th House with Sun and Ketu. So my 7th House is very exciting with all sort of avasthas combination. They all play out in my life time too. For Mars and Mercury, Mars is an action planet and Mercury is about researching, investigating, I end up researching and investigating yet I don't feel i have enough information to make the decision. Not all the time but I do get that can't make a decision now and then or the decision i made sometime came too late. Mercury is not letting Mars doing his instinctive work. Mercury is also about investing and sometime you have to make the decision timely.

The main thing for me with this combination and especially in the 7th is boundaries issue. I had to learn boundaries meaning i don't step over other people's lanes and I don't let people step over mine. Just that alone saves so many headaches/problems because you don't get into other people's business and you don't let them get into yours. You mind your own business. Even if you mean well but if people didn't ask for help, your help will not be appreciated.



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Thanks, yes, this is an avastha I don't experience myself so it is always somewhat difficult to see what exactly is happening in a chart.

The instinct of Mars vs. the mentation of Mercury is something I associate with this combination. I liken it to a general that simply overthinks and cannot simply act in the moment. 


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