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Denial of Marriage in D60 Upapada?

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I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! Can I please get some help on this all-consuming question? 


The Rasi and Saptamsa UP has benefic influence and the UP lord is doing well, too.

But the D60 isn't doing well.

1. The UP holds a DB Saturn in Aries.

2. Mars is aspecting its own sign, Aries (-- does this own sign aspect help?). This is the only aspect UP is getting. The UP lord is doing well. 

Saturn is also retrograde. Perhaps this helps any DB Saturn's in the vargas? 

What would you all deduce? Is marriage denied because of that D60 UP? Or maybe it just indicates divorce, not denial? 

As always, thank you all in advance.

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Yes, it helps to some degree to have Saturn DB in R. It gives it ChestaBala; so well needed strength.

For marriage I didn´t even know that we should consider the UP. Is that in the Jaimini course?

There are many more indicators of course, I would recommend you to read the chart as a whole. The DK, the 7th, the 9th, Venus, Jupiter if it´s a woman´s chart, DKs lord, the lord of the 7th and 9th, the yogas, the navamsa, the dasas. I don´t think that we should ever assess such a thing based on just one observation. And especially not based on anything in D60, unless you are very certain about the exact birthtime, down to the second.


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Hi Staffan! Yes, Ernst says that before we go into predicting or assessing anything related to the spouse, we need to first see if the native can get married in this lifetime. He goes through that in his Jaimini Sutras Chapter 1 Pada 4 Audio Course. It should be titled Sutras III #2 specifically. 

The technique is assessing the UP in the rasi, D7, and D60 to see what malefic or benefic influence is on there. Ernst basically says that the D60 has the final call. 

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@curioussoul Thank you, I took that course a long time ago and remember only vaguely what you say. It´s not that common to have a reliable D60 to work with.

I would still avoid such a prediction based only on that, unless your inner astrological voice clearly tells you to do it. But that was not what you asked about, I guess.


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@ernst, what do you think? I'd love to know 🙂 

Ernst Wilhelm
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Yes, D60 has more impact than the Rasi or Saptamsa. Try it with charts and you will see, just have to make sure the D60 is accurate as its time sensitive. 

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@ernst Great, thank you Ernst 🙂
