Hi Ernst,
A quick question here. For Bandana yoga do we only count the embodied planets or do we also count the nodes? I have a chart with Rahu in the 5th from the Lagna and Saturn in the 9th. No Argala there, but do we also have Bandana yoga? Thx!
yes, rahu and ketu count.
i should rephrase that the 11th house is the Argala house and the 3rd house is the blocking house (Virodhina). However, if you have more malefics planets in the 3rd and no planets in the 11th then you have Argala. But here the 11th has 2 planets and the 3rd also has 2 planets blocking the Argala house. That is how i see it any way...
yes, you will often find people having successful lifes with bhandhana yogas. And always they will somehow be badly stuck.
what a nice coincidence as i am listening to Jaimini Chapter 1 Pada 3 audio #4, you explained about Argala and you use Al Gore's chart. Someone in class brought up the exact question as Scott's. Al Gore has 1 malefic in the 3rd from the 7th and he has Jupiter in the 11th from the 7th. So Al Gore has Argala in the 3rd and he also has Banada yoga as well. His 3rd is blocking his 11th but he still has Argala in the 3rd. This example in this audio was exactly as what Scott is asking above...