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Hi Ernst and All,

Jupiter is the AK, and it is conjunct Mars (in Gemini), in rashi chart. Rahu is in the 5th house (Libra) from Ju and Ma.

Is this a combation for cancer or other serious disease? Or Ma and Ra need to be in the same house for that? Is this then a combination for poisoning?

Thanks a lot, regards

6 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3508
Joined: 12 years ago

You need both rahu and mars both influencing the first OR both influencing the 5th to make for serious disease. Influence can come from aspect or conjunction. 

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Estimable Member
Posts: 55

@ernst thanks a lot, now i see!

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An ethical aspect: We don´t predict disease, right? We recommend diet, exercise etc, but we don´t say like too many medical doctors seem to love doing: telling people what they are going to die from (often mistakenly...) and when.

Generally I think there is a lack of ethical concepts, an ethical discussions for astrologers. It´s seems to be up to everyone, and of course it is... But nobody should have to invent the wheel again, or learn from hard experience. I would even suggest a special cathegory in the forum for that matter.


Ernst Wilhelm
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Sadly, a lot of astrologers get their egos in the way of the reading, and they are the ones that have to follow the dictate of, WHO CARES, WHAT  HURTS, THE EGO  HURTS, and get over it and be there for the client. The client should never have to do so. 

As always whether you should predict the disease or not depends on the situation and its the astrologers job to be sensitive to the situation and act accordingly. We cannot have any hard or fast rules for what to say or not to say to a client. The thing's that have been the most important and helpful that i have told clients has been very surprising at times. Like the lady I told, I am hear to tell you that you will never be rich. She said, I am so relieved to hear that because all the other astrologers said I should be rich and I am not and I dont care either but I thougth i was doing something wrong cause I was not rich. Same with a disease, sometimes knowing they have a disease or will get it has been what made the difference. So its just importnat to do the reading for the client, not for our own grandeur or profit. Many predictive astrologers every reading is just an opportunity for them to show off their skills that they are so proud about because they think that making a prediction is the high point of life. 

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Food for thoughts, thank you Ernst.

Also love the point you are making in your last video, Sun agitating Mercury I think it is, that playing by the rules is often not the best way. I can testify about that; I tried to play by the rules in chilean court where I should have been cheating; that could have saved me from being separate from my dear daughter for many years.

So, indeed!



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