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houses meaning

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hi there, i am a real beginner and trying at that stage to expand my knowledge about the basics that i can understand the videos and the examples in it.

1. i went over the houses meanings or bhavas for their meaning and when i watched another video where a bhava technique was explained, there was an interpretation for the 7 house meaning, which was used as "desires" but that meaning was not mentioned in the  house meaning video that 7 house represents desires, what is the explanation for that meaning.

2.also regarding father, in the beginner first basic videos father mentioned as an individual in the 10 house and  in the 9 house it was regarded as part of the parents as a unit, but in the houses meaning video father as an individual is falling under 9 house and father as how it influence on the natives life is falling on the 10 house. please clarify what is the reason for that difference and what should i follow?

when watching other videos about technique basics, father as an individual is regarded as 9 house so i am not sure if the basic videos were earlier and things have changed since making those basic videos or i misunderstood it

ill really appreciate any help

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Houses are multi-dimensional and can represent people in our lives as well as areas in our life where we experience our planets configurations. Like Angela mentioned, there is also a psychological dimension to the houses, and the 7th house is a Kama house, therefore linked to desires. Mostly with the 7th, the desire to create meaningful connections with others. From there, you can derive multiple meanings. It’s also on the opposite side of the first, when the Sun sets so it can also be related to endings, including death (though not everyone agrees with that from what I understand).

When it comes to the father, from what I remember, Ernst was making the distinction between 9th representing dad as a person (therefore indicating the type of person he is) and the 10th representing dad as an authority figure for the Self. Therefore how your father impacted you in that capacity. 

My opinion is that a lifetime is not enough to understand the full meaning of each house. I recommend focusing first on understanding Dharma/Artha/Kama/Moksha. On the fact that houses 2/6 are below the horizon, 8/12 above, things like that, very simple but profound in terms of understanding what they represent. Also, the Character effects of the Grahas course has a nice explanation of the houses (even just looking at the manual if you don’t want to go through the course for now)


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@monathank you mona, please if you dont mind guiding someone that just really started, and with no previous background at all, how to understand 2/6 below horizon and 8/12 above horizon. 

much appreciated



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@sharonsegall I would recommend this YouTube video from Vic DiCara.

I've watched it quite recently, a year + after I started studying astrology and this really helped me understand each house deeper and from an "astronomical" angle.

The below/above horizon should make sense then;)


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thank you ,watched it made a lot of sense and clarified your reference to under and above regarding the houses . i really appreciate your care!!! 
