@xyzabc I came to this conclusion because I was pulled out of my body. I didn't choose it. I had a pleasant experience though. But similar to what @suzanstars brought up, it felt disempowering to be pulled out of my own body.
Some divine experiences are spontaneous. Even Ramana Maharishi's experience was spontaneous, initially (as a teenager).
Our subtler self, our higher self may be choosing it and your ego may not know it or want to acknowledge it. What is desirable by one part of our Self, can be read as undesirable by another part of our Self.
Sometimes it is just our mind that is making these conclusions out of fear- this is empowering, this is dis-empowering. Simply because we don't know what is happening and how to control it.
For example, we can be thrown into a pool and see that is dis-empowering. Or we could choose to get into a pool and see that as empowering. But in either case the pool is neither empowering nor dis-empowering by itself. Even if someone maliciously throws you into the pool, that still does not make the pool dis-empowering. You know what I mean?
Anyway, in the end it is about your own conclusions, and the consequence of your conclusions. I sometimes think it is better to not have a strong opinion about something we don't see the full picture of, as it creates unnecessary blocks. That doesn't mean you can't exercise the freedom to not choose that experience in the future, assuming you can control it.
Anyway, Just gave my two cents as you opened your experience up for scrutiny by posting it on a forum.
I don´t think that "low spirits" means evil, dark or negative. We should be careful, I believe, applying the christian concepts that most members in this forum have.
Now, I have Venus in the 9th, ruling my 5th and 12th, in Aq, so one could say I´m not objective in this. But to me mother nature is above all healing, caring and lifesaving. And matter has consciousness, of course - who are we to be "above" relating respectfully to mother Earth, grandmother Water, grandfather Fire etc? Who are we to rejectli the messages that animals and other living being - even stones - bring us, or the help they may offer?
Within shamanism and pagan tradition there are many who indeed work with bad energy, I mean "low spirits" in a more christian sense. I live in Mexico, where it´s very common and I have seen quite a lot of it. But as a wise guy I overheard in a dark alley once said: "One thing is one thing. Another thing is another thing." ("Una cosa es una cosa. Otra cosa es otra cosa!")
I do not subscribe to the idea that paying respect to everything that has life, including matter, takes us any further away from God. At the same time I don´t think distancing ourselves from God´s manifestations in this world makes us any more sacred or conscious. that´s what´s being suggested in this thread. Maybe it´s not.
(With that said, using the correct Jaimini techniques as Laura Barat describes them - someone published a link - the only planet that is in a 12th position re the AK in my chart is the Sun, which is in the 12th in D-9. I don´t like hatha yoga at all, at least not the way it´s applied in the West. But I´m a Sun dancer. And I´ve done some QiKung and would love to do it more.)
Even if someone maliciously throws you into the pool, that still does not make the pool dis-empowering. You know what I mean?
Yes, and I consider this often. I embrace the experience because.. well, I am experiencing it and so there is something for me here. I do not have ill will towards whatever this is, although it is certainly parasitic in a way. I have become drastically more compassionate and fearless while I learned what boundaries are and why they matter. I feel blessed to be able to learn these lessons in a way that makes me feel more capable, especially since a younger version of myself was absolutely terrified of such matters.
@staffan I'm glad you brought up nature vs low spirits in the Christian sense. Ideally I would have a more thorough reply, but I am raising a baby at the moment.
@staffan I really am new to this idea of low spirits in the nature sense. But I have experienced them in "meditation" in the past where I surrendered completely and would find myself at a tree for example. What I am questioning is what exactly brought me to the tree? If it was not me, was it the tree or something else? How would I know?