Predicting with Ras...
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Predicting with Rasi Dasa

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Hi Ernst and fellow students,


I am trying to understand Rasi Dasas.  I found 2 examples in Varga charts. My focus is Scorpio Maha dasa starting on August 18/2021: I checked the varga charts to see if anything interesting happening during this period.

Example 1- 9th Varga the 10th house - (Scorpio Rasi)

ME- Athmakaraka, Holds Pada 1


Aquarius just holds the 4th Pada - Lord is in LEO (enemy Rasi)

Aries, Jupiter and Sun occupies that Rasi. 


The chart is attached. How do I interpret this maha dasa?


Example 2

Example 1- 10th Varga the 1st house - (Scorpio Rasi)

Rasi is occupied by Rahu.


Capricorn  - Mars, the lagna lord in exultation.

Aries, Me occupies it.

Sun is in Leo, own sign, mercury resi aspects it.


Does this means, this person's carrier is subjected to change? With Rahu in the lagna, could it be possible to move to a different location or different path?

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Posts: 10
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Attached below is the example charts.
