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Weapons, synchronicity and a personal story

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Hello All,

I just want to share an interesting story that happened to us a few days ago.

I am restudying Jaimini 1 audio course where Ernst talks also about what weapon a person may use.

So one evening we go out to the meadow, and while my husband is practising some archery I realised that his AK is Saturn, and the weapon of Saturn is a bow. And he really does archery, so we can take this sutra very straightforward in his case. (I havent checked his navamsha etc. for other possible combinations, just remembered his AK.) I also told him, how interesting this is, while our daughter was picking flowers somewhere far, so she could not hear this conversation.

Next morning my daughter asks me to read out a folk tale from one of our books. She was free to choose from the 50+ tales. Guess what was the title of the tale she chose? "The Master of Archery"! :-))

This is synchronicity! Or some kind of consciousness of time and space. Like when the same thing is invented by two different people at the same (similar) tine at two different parts of the world.

Does anyone of you have some similar funny, interesting story?

Ernst mentioned in the Jaimini course that when he was researching gems and minerals, he read some simple fiction and then it turned out that some gem had a majir role in the plot. (And this was not written in the cover of the book.) This is also some similar coincidence! 

So do you have some similar stories? Or any kind of more scientific explanation to synchronicity? 

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It happens all the time to all of us. We slowly begin to become aware of how the universe talks to us, helps us solve problems, gives us answers, directs us, guides us - sometimes gently, sometimes in ways that feel harsh.

There is a flow to things, and the flow is directed through focus. Sometimes things flow into a universal ocean, and sometimes the flow gets halted by an impediment.

Scientific explanation would be looking at how transits play out. I haven’t devoted much time to it yet, but it is something on my long list of things to do.

The most well-known synchronicity is the one about when one person thinks of someone and they get a call from that person.

I usually get some information I am seeking in the most odd ways from the most odd sources ???? The conversation starts off one way and ends up with quite different results. One example that comes to mind happened about couple years ago. I was talking to someone about feeling pain in my heels. She started talking about the problems she had been having and an acupuncturist that she had been seeing, and insisted that I should see him.

I had never tried acupuncture before, and was a bit fearful of things going wrong. But I decided to leave it to fate, and started the treatment. The acupuncturist had done most of his training in Japan and was well-respected among his peers. Although he didn’t think of himself as an ‘energy quack’ (his words), he knew how to use a gold needle to move energy.

Once I started feeling better, I volunteered at my local library with their English Conversation Circles. Even though it was multi-cultural, most of the participants were either Chinese or Japanese. A few months later, the opportunity for a trip came up. After some research, a trip to Japan seemed more convenient than the one to China, and I thoroughly enjoyed it even though there were a few hiccups on the way.

This is one of those things that I want to really look at - how it all built up and how it all came together and how it all flowed and then continued on - especially since the entire process took place over the period of a year.

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How´s sagittarius in your chart? My intuition tells me - take it for what it´s worth - that this omen is a confirmation for you, that you are in some way waking up, for example starting to see synchronicity. Maybe there is a direct Jupiter influence there, that something is going on - new insights etc - in your Sagittarius or in your 9th house. 

Just a suggestion.



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@meyes hi Mattias,

Thanks for your answer.

Yes, definitely sonething is going on around me, I think I am getting more and more intuitive.

My native Jupiter is in Sagittarius, so that is good, but ubfortunately ib 7th house, low dig bala. I entered Rahu mahadasha a year ago or so.

Just a hint. Meanwhile I had to realise that my husband's AK is Mercury, not Saturn. I think I mixed this up because by Dara karaka is Saturn.

This fact though doesnt take away the feeling that the next day our daughter asked me to read  a tale about an archer. 🙂
