Sun - Father - Dign...
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Sun - Father - Dignity

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Hi Ernst and all, 

I have a question that's been on my mind for a while. If the Sun is the Karaka of the father and the example he set, the dignity of the Sun should give an indication of how great of an example that was. In my example, my Sun is exalted. However, my father died when I was quite young, too young to set an example, and what little I do know about him is mostly extremely negative and not an example to follow. How can that be?

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Hi Francesca, just from what i know if you want to know about your father as an individual you would read it from the 10th cusp i think 9th cusp is parents and 10th cusp is father (opposite of the 4th cusp which is mother). Did you look at your 10th cusp and see what it is like? Just a thought...



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Thank you for replying! I did know about the 10th house cusp as the concrete body of the father as an individual. With Rahu in there and a thirsted Mercury, that's an obvious affliction. I guess I just thought that the symbolism in the chart should be consistent regardless of what set of techniques one uses. So I thought that the cusps should be consistent with what that Jaimini Karakas show, if that makes any sense. These seem to show two completely opposite things. 

Yogesh Lohra
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@francesca-2  interesting , looks like exception case, would you mind sharing your details probably will have a look at D12 too (  , but if you are not comfortable,  my two cents would be , if not not the biological  father then I am sure someone (some inspiring soul) might have played that role for you  and must have made a difference in your life and also Sun is a atman natural atmakarka  (self factor) so your own soul can play the role of Father if in concrete life there is a absence of bodily figure . Hope you have looked at d12 and Rahu and Ke Factors in it , they sometime surprise you due to ancestral karma taking a  toll . 

you are an intelligent person so I am sure you have checked all the basic possible factors like 10th cusp , 10th Cusp lord and yogas and stuff , etc ... 


God bless 


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@yogesh Thank you for chiming in. I'd love to send you my details and thank you for the generous offer.

Like you said, I have checked other factors and there are very glaringly obvious factors that indicate an absent father who wasn't the greatest role model (Rahu with the 10th and a thirsted Mercury). I suppose my confusion stems from the fact that I thought multiple factors should point to the same thing and that I find it strange that two parts of the chart could point to such contradictory things. My life wasn't devoid of male figures, but none were the shining beacon that inspired me. I'm fact, I didn't have any figures that inspired, but my own ambitions of wanting to rise above what I saw.

My Sun is strongly delighted by the Moon and Mars and indeed it was my mother who always encouraged me to pursue my passions, but the Sun is not my MK, nor does it rule my 4th. 

I find what you say about the soul playing the role of father very interesting as indeed I have had to learn to take care of myself.

I'll have a look at my D12, too.

Amit Bhat
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Also look at pitru karaka. And any afflictions to Sun in LA. 


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Thank you, Amit. My PiK also happens to be the Sun and my Sun overall has more delight than negative habits (in Virupas), but I'll take another look!

Amit Bhat
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Okay, then d12 should say it.

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Venus is a karaka of the Father as well. I am sure you know that though. 

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@scott-m-19 Thank you. I did consider that, too, and my Venus is well dignified as well (in own sign and delighted by Jupiter).

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