Kala Feature Reques...
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Kala Feature Request

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Hello Ernst,

Thanks for Kala 2023 - I'm appreciating the new features. There are some features I'd love to see in the next Kala update. 

Animated Transits
This chart gets cluttered and hard to read. It would be great if I could select which planets to display in the animated transits screen. I never look at the fast moving planets - only the slow movers: Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Chairon.... Maybe you could put a check box next to the list of planets on that page that turns them on and off (of course leaving the natal planets displayed.) 

Also I use the Tajika aspects. It would be great if there were another list where I could turn on and off each aspect individually - trines, squares, sextiles - because that would declutter the screen too. 

Another feature on animated transits would a button that resets the date of the transits to now. Sometimes I change the date by months and years and then to reset it I close the chart and reopen it. It's just faster than typing in the current date and time. A "now" button on the main page would be better. 


I would love to see time ranges for all the vargas - preferably on the charts. When rectifying charts I was finding the time ranges manually and then writing it on paper, plus drawing each vargas because I'm most proficient in North Indian charts.

It was so frustrating and slow that I decided to change my software to Parashara's Light. I bought PL but didn't like it. Kala remains my everyday software. However, I use PL occasionally for its varga times and rectification tools and graphical ephemeris. 

North/South Charts

Frequently I switch between North and South Indian charts by pressing the F2 button. It's a great feature and I use it a lot. However it also displays the wheel chart. Does anyone actually look at that wheel layout? I don't. I would love to turn it off and just switch between north and south charts. Maybe you could create a function that includes all chart layouts (north/south/east/wheel) with the option of choosing which ones the F2 key scrolls through. 

Thanks for all your hard work and great software Ernst. 



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