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Mundane Chart

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Dear @ernst

Kala has a Mundane chart which calculates Sun entering Aries for the cities of any given country.

Do you have any videos on how to use this page?

Are there any instructions on what the houses mean in any Mundane chart


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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3515
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you can read about how to use it in the ownders manul under the help menu

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dear @ernst

I had figured what was in the manual before, yet the hint on the books was appreciated.
I have studied several methods of calculating and Interpreting mundane charts, but since I have found out most of what I had been taught was incorrect I wanted to know about your opinion on How to interpret the chart.

Also for example in the year Lords result you mention 8 sets of results for all planets but what you don't mention is that are these related to 8 different yer lords in order, or are they from 8 different sources which can be applied to all 8 lords?

Ernst Wilhelm
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It seems the headings to the year lord file has gone missing! Each of the sets are for one of the lords in the same order as lords are posted. I will fix that file and upload it so that you can replace it. 

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Are you looking at the Ukraine chart? I checked it out for Kiev (that is how it is spelled in Kala). Mo as asc lord shamed in 12th from Ma and Rahu. I don't study mundane astrology so perhaps shouldn't write but thought to at least mention it...

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Dear @scott-m-19 

Actually I was looking at several mundane charts where a country has invaded the other, checking Russia->Ukraine, Iraq->Kuwait, Iraq->Iran, Japan->USA to find similar patterns.
it will be great if anyone can add to the list.

The problem with the mundane chart is the we have around 208 countries while this method will only give 12 lagnas for the whole world for the beginning of the tropical year. So logic states that we need to look into Vargas specially D60 for  correct interpretation, but I've never heard of any methods for this.

I'll let you know what my investigation brings up.

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I know a lot of astrologers will look at a 'birth chart' of a country in addition to the chart of the leader which I am certain you know of. That, coupled with solar/lunar charts can make a nice menu of interpretation. Be interesting about the vargas..

Right now, I rather continue my studies of natal astrology rather than look into Mundane Astrology. 


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P.S.: The two books Ernst mentions in the manual are Muhurtha Chentamani and Kalaprakasika. Here is a link to download a free version of Kalaprakasika in pdf:

for any one who would want to Study.

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Thanks, Ramin! I'm getting into that as well right now.
