Suunya Tithi error ...
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Suunya Tithi error in Kala

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Hi @ernst, since you're working on the Kala upgrade I think I've found a small mistake. I have the Muhurta screen open with the date 15th Feb 2021 at 15:24 London UK, it's Phalguna Shukla Paksha, with the 4th Tithi, and in the numerical value pop-up it says it's the Suunya Tithi of the month, taking off 4 points.

But in the Muhurta book it says for that Shukla Paksha the actual Suunya is the 3rd Tithi, not the 4th. Am I missing something or is Kala mistaken. 


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I have found another minor thing, when it says Paksha Chidra portion next to the Tithi, in the Scoring Detail pop-up it says Tithi Vishanadi, and also happens the other way around, when it's Tithi Vishanadi, the pop-up says Paksha Chidra, this is not as important cause they both take off 4 points, but it's a bit confusing. 

I have the 2016 version, sorry if this was fixed in the 2018 version. 

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@silvia @ernst Hi, I also have a question regarding Suunya Tithi - Muhurta book says that for Magha Masa, Shukla Paksha Suunya Tithis are 4th, 10th (according to Kalaprakasika) and 6th (according to Muhurta Chintamani), 5th Tithi is said to be Shuunya for Krishna Paksha, however, Kala gives -4 points for 5th Tithi of Shukla Paksha for Magha Masa, I just wanted to clarify on that. Thank you
