A planet without av...
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A planet without avasthas

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A planet without avasthas.
If that planet has low shadbala. Low on the level of Chesta and Uccha. That planet wil still create problems, right?
How to work on that planet? Thinking of him as exalted? Projecting the delight he could get from a friend?

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Look at the avasthas of its lord and the avasthas of planets in the signs that the planet with no avasthas rules. That will have a say.

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@Marianela One way to work with such planets(and even all our other planets) would be to see the houses it rules for your ascendant, the houses it's debilitated and exalted in, and then do more of those things which are indicated by the house and sign your planet will be exalted in. I learned this from Ryan Kurczak's youtube series planets for each ascendant. That gave me a lot of insight into the conscious blueprint for my ascendant, and how each planet is meant to function best/consciously in my chart/for my ascendant.

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@qwertym2 I loved those videos but couldn´t see the one´s at the end that Ryan let his pupils do alone. I think Sagittarius and Pisces where among them, and then there was another one, perhaps Capricorn or Aquarius. Those, I think, were of painfully low quality compared to the one´s that Ryan made himself; not saying that I could do a better lecture myself, but none of his pupils had twenty or more years of experience to fall back on as Ryan does.

My question: What about trying to analyze those three ascendants ourselves, here on the forum?


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@staffan I have used Bhava yogas indications from Ryan's book The art and science of Vedic astrology to strengthen the understanding further. There is another book you can use named Beneath the Vedic astrology which has Bhava yoga indications.

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@staffan I missed answering your question towards the end - I am dabbling with a lot of other priorities and things in life at the moment, so won't be able to participate full fledgedly in that analysis. Hope there are a few other members who are interested in this topic

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@qwertym2 No big deal, thank you anyway.


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@scott-m-19 Thanks, Scott.

I overlooked it. 
I was surprised by the evident problems of that planet despite having no avasthas.
The planet in question has none planet other than Ketu in his sign. Therefore this planet is very much used and in a bad way. 
His Lord has mixed avasthas, but surviving on the edge.
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@marianela You can also look at the aspects to other planets that the 'no' avastha planet is doing. If Ma has no real significant aspects to it, and in a neutral sign ect. look at the aspects Ma is doing to other planets. It is all interconnected. 



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@scott-m-19 Let´s see if you may offer some clarification. So low uccha or chesta doesn´t harm if there are no bad avasthas. But what about Dig? It plays out anyway, right? I mean, even if there are no bad avasthas? As does a bad general ShadBala score?


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If you want to 'measure' the avastha effects you can using ucca, dig, and chestha. I am just giving general ways to look at the planetary condition. It is like what Ernst says with the Moon in the PAC course: look at the avasthas to the Moon, whether it is delighted, starved by being with Sa or conjunct the Sun and agitated. Also, look at the sign Cancer to see what planetary conditions are in there. You can look at the lord of the Moon to see the dispositorship and the condition to that planet to see the anchoring effect to the Moon, it helps with the Moon's foundation or not. 

And, as Ernst suggests, even if the Moon is in a sign and only delighted because it is alone, but it is aspecting Sa, Me and Ve, then the Moon is creating avasthas that can be imbalancing. It is a two-way street. 

As far as using the ucca, dig and chesta to measure the avasthas. I find it can easily get too complicated. So, I rarely if ever use that when I am doing a reading. If I use those shadbala measurements, I tend to just focus on them as there own technique. 

But I havn't tuned into the recent videos Ernst has on using those measurements with the PAC course. 


Ernst Wilhelm
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See what avathas the planet is causing then you can see if he is creating more fulfillment or more frustration. 

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@ernst Thanks, in fact the no-avastha planet makes a couple of small delights (less than 15 virupas), but it creates a very severe starvation. To a planet which has not any delight and feels very unable.

Ernst Wilhelm
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Ok, so this non avastha planet is a harmful influence as it's directing its energies towards something that won't work so it needs to be redirected towards its friends. 
