Omg! I just watched a video about Ketu, I think it was, and Ernst said that Ketu in Scorpio, those are the people who want to be breatharians...Blows my mind because I don't know anyone who is interested in that but me and I am so deep in that way of life. With Mars, Ketu and Pluto in my first house in Scorpio, my whole life is about transformation, spirituality and doing everything with nothing. ???? ????
Ernst´s predictions are soften astoninshly accurate... I read a chart for a woman with a Ketu/Venus/Mars conjunction. She told me about her experience about realizing that her high sexuality was giving her problems and how she asked the master plants she worked with to transform it into spirituality. And then I read my notes o Rahu/Ketu that predicts actually that. Exactly as it it had happened to her.
How are you going with the breatharianism? I met I guy in the jungle who told me he was offered that possibility by life once, "from now on you don´t have to eat anything unless you want to". He seems to have turned the offer down because I met him over a soup. ????