Changing L. Avastha...
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Changing L. Avasthas And Future Births

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I think Saturn return at age 29 is when Saturn nudges us at our last chance to change the cornerstone.

I could be wrong.

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@mitryendra80  No, not change, but redefine. Saturn return is after Jupiter has opened up his doors, the nodes have recently been inverted, and Mars is going through his maturation period and mellowing out.

Saturn is about separation - separation from things that are holding us back. His return is about checking to make sure you are on the right path. Have you learnt your lessons? Have you changed your old ways of being? Great, now it can be taken away to make space for new things. You haven’t learnt your lesson yet? No problem, it will still be taken away to give us space to look at issues without distraction.

It depends on how much we are attached to what is being taken away that the new phase will feel either comfortable or miserable. Are we swapping one Ketu for another? These are new lessons, to be dealt with in a mature way. This is what the second round of Saturn teaches us - balance of ego and emotions.

Life, as I have now learnt through experience, is war - the planetary war that takes place in the outer space but playing out in our inner worlds and through people around us. If we have gotten to the place of finding occult knowledge, we have gotten to the stage where we get to decide whether we want to take part in the war of the Gods and live in chaos; or stand aside and let them fight it out on their own without adding our energy to their battle. The Lajjittaadi Avasthas is a tool that helps me get to that place, and helps me find peace.


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Ok 😉

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