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Improving communication with people with shamed planets

22 Posts
9 Users
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3199
Joined: 12 years ago

Yogananda says there are three types of people .Those you dont need to be told what to do cause they are already doing whats really neccessary and moving forward. People wiht good adult planets tend to be like this.

Those who need to be told what to do and when told are appreciative, do it, and move forward. These are people with decent child planets who have weak adult planets that would normally help them move forward.

Those who need to be told what to do but get upset, hurt, antagonistically, distant, etc. when told what to do. People with shamed planets are especially supseptical to this. In the end, all one can do is realize that these people will do what needs to be done when there is no other option. SO all we can do is accept them, not get involved with them in areas where they need improvement, and wait for life to tell them. 

The acceptance is what is really important. Its important not to BABY them, but to ACCEPT them, these are different things. Shamed needs to learn self-acceptance more than anyone else. Its thier own lack of self-acceptance that makes it so painful to hear they need to do something different and makes helpful words sound very critical to them. Once they accept themselves on this level, they can take advice. 

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@ernst Yeah, makes total sense. Thank you.

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A very basic rule, but worthwhile reminding about nevertheless: Never try to give advice to anyone not asking for it. Never take the initiative on doing a reading. Only answer to requests.

Hopefully it´s a "dah!", but in case it´s not. With my Ke/Ju, giving this lamentable need for preaching, I myself have far too often teased people into readings they weren´t ready for. Only normal during a learning period I guess, but a bad habit that had to be broken.


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