hi ernst, moon Saturn is one of the more serious negative avashtas producing conjunctions, one that can indicate serious childhood trauma. my question is if that conjunction indicate a childhood related trauma, what does the degrees between saturn and moon represent if it is 13 degrees and above difference, will that relatively big gap of degrees (which represent the amount of years :1 degree= one year) indicate another event on top of the childhood trauma if yes how is the childhood trauma related to saturn and moon is represented (degrees/years) in the chart? or we just assume that it is a result of early childhood trauma and the degrees of the conjunction represent some other traumatic event on top of the assumed childhood trauma? i am asking that not just with relation to that specific avashta but to all the bad avashtas that we are relating childhoos stressful troumatic events but some of those conjunctions above the years of childhood as indicated by the degrees.
also would the fact that the degree difference is smaller would indicate more severity to the avashta all things equal?
I have seen wide saturn moon conjuntions have a big trauma at an older age. In regards to the early traumas, they are usaully very early adn not remembered, check the months at 1 month per degree as that is often a time of trauma as well.