Predicting with Ava...
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Predicting with Avasthas Course

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Posts: 532
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Hi Ernst,

I am starting the "Predicting with Avasthas" Course and would like to confirm that the technique taught in this course is still relevant? I reason I ask is because i notice in the recent past there were some postings questioning the relevancy of the interplay between Lajjitaadi Avasthas and other Avasthas. I don't read every posting and so i just want to confirm that the Predicting with Avasthas course is still good before i take the course.





3 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3429
Joined: 12 years ago

That course outlines a lot of good principles. However, I did not finish that course. The reason I did not, is because I had been working to develop a technique of using dasas and vargas that was very streamlined and I made so much progress on that, I got very focused on it and lost the focus of the predicting wtih avasthas course. One of the issues of having 5 avasthas is that a planet has a mix of avasthas, so a planet can have a good and bad avastha and then what? THats where people get confused and stuck with knowing what is going to happen. In the beginning of this course i get into the lajjitaadi avasthas and the vimshopaka. I do not get into the other avashtas in this course, as I never finished it. So, in addition to the part on the lajjitaadi avasthas and the vimshopaka, use the balaadi and jagraadadi avasthas as I showed in the Concrete Predictions with Vimshottari Dasa. For this reason, I suggest you take the Concrete Chart and Varga analysis and the Concrete predictions with vimshottari courses before you take the predicting with avasthas course. 

I am currently refining the techniques I developed using the dasas and vargas and avasthas in a very streamlined way. The refinements are in the use of house lords and the astronomical calculations so that I can get spot on results with 4th and 5th level dasas which can change daily for the 5th level and a few days for the 4th level even with tiny little nakshatra option changes. 

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Posts: 580

@ernst Are you still using sidereal nakshatras with the dashas?

Joined: 4 years ago

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Posts: 532

@ernst ok sounds good. I have already taken the Concrete Chart and Varga Analysis so i will take the Concrete Predictions with Vimshottari Course next then...


