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same lord conj

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hi ernst, looking at a chart, i have a Cap lagna  and moon jupiter conj in pieces and saturn in Sagittarius. can it be that this placement can behave like a saturn moon jupiter conjunction and support the expression of a sexual abuse in childhood and  developing a borderline personality traits?  there is sun venus mercury conj in scorpio, but its hard for me to see how that can contribute to extreem abuse like that, would you please give me your thoughts about that?  

4 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

anytime you get saturn on angle from moon there is the possibility of some kind of abuse. See the degrees between saturn and moon and see what happened at that age of 1 degree = 1 year. 

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@ernst,  well saturn on 9:28 Sag  and moon 18:58 in Pieces, the abuse had taken place in the very early stages of life 2 or 3 years and proceeded till around 7 or 8 years of age so that was also why i wasn't completely confident about the direct relationship of the expression of those traits.

ME in scorpio 22:58 is in square to MA 20:10 in Aquarius is the only other square option in the range of about 3 degrees but i dont see how that can be the indication although mars is the ruler of the 4th house as well as scorpio where ME placed, which can effect the emotional stability if afflicted, and being cap rising already create emotional susceptibility, and with ME being an enemy to MA, that also  doesn't contribute.(ME rules the 9th and 10th cusps which represent father another thing to conceder)

please can you share your thoughts over that 

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Any square will create developmental tension, so it could well have been caused by mars and mercury. neither planet is is a delighted sign, so check the other avasthas and see if the abuse relates to the nature of these planets.

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@ernst well it was a sexual abuse, that is why i was looking at Saturn and moon any avashtas of mars could be created only by mercury as mars placed alone in AQ so the only option is ME which is placed with the sun in scorpio along with Venus which i mentioned right at the beginning of this query as to figure out what in a chart can indicate sexual abuse and as a result a mental associated weakness in the form of borderline personality traits. ME 22:58| SU 18:36 conjunction narrow it down to approximately 4.5 degrees/years . MA 20:10 IN a square to SU 18:36 in scorpio which is about 2.5 degrees /years ,but can this conjunction of me/su or square of sun/ma indicate sexual abuse? 

another thing to consider is that Pluto is also placed with this ME\VE\SUN cluster in scorpio which just makes me wonder if it does connect to either one of those sun sq. and the fact that Saturn square the moon 9 degrees maybe indicate a recurrent event that triggered the early trauma??? 
