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Shad Bala and LA

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Hello Ernst,

I am almost done with the Shad Bala course, and it is really a great course to learn the details of all the Balas of each planet.  i have a chart of a friend, and all of his 7 planets the Spashta Bala are above the required minimum. Sun happened to be his second highest Shad Bala planet with 502 points, and this guy you can see the Sun in him, a natural leader. Then i go to the LA calculations Shad Bala table in Kala. I notice Venus is starving his Sun (Sun is in Taurus), and Saturn is starving Sun via aspect. His Sun has some help from the Moon but not enough to rise above the required minimum

The fact that the Shad Bala Sun is strong overall, but Sun is being trashed by either Venus or Saturn here, does that mean his Sun is deemed no longer effective? I am trying to connect the Shad Bala principles to the Lajjitaadi Avashtas concepts to interpret the result. Does the LA take over the Shad Bala of a planet meaning even if a planet started out strong overall with good Spashta Bala, but if other planets attack it either through either planetary aspect or conjunction and left that planet to be under the required minimum like the Sun here then the person is no longer consider to be steadfast, committed or followed his inspiration? Are all the qualities of the Sun being diminished substantially due to the starvation that is occurring in Lajiitaadi Avashtas despite the fact that the Sun itself started out as a strong planet overall per Shad Bala? 




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This is how I understand it:

- ShadBala indicates the strength of a planet and cannot be changed

- Lajjitaadi Avastas indicate how his friends help or hinder that strength. This can be changed by changing habits. 

Therefore, in order for his Sun to operate optimally and be fulfilled, this person has to tackle Venus and Saturn's starvation. He is a great leader but maybe he is leading someone else's kingdom rather than his own which can create a lack of fulfillment. A good healthy habit for a Sun Starved by Venus would be to look at beauty and inspiration within the self rather than outside for example. For Saturn, a good habit would be to stop seeking validation of his inspiration and not being too concerned about the details of how his inspiration should look like (=avoiding the check list and allow room for the unknown and believe in magic)

Ernst gives the example of Yogananda who actually had a low ShadBala Sun and it was also starved by Saturn. He accomplished a lot, was seen as a leader but all he wanted was to meditate in the Himalayas from a very young age. Somehow, he was running someone else's kingdom (dad and what people expected of him if i got the story right). 

Hope that makes sense.

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@mona thanks Mona - yes i remember the story. I believe Yogananda started out with a low Shad Bala Sun to begin with and Ernst said he was very surprise. That is because he wanted to to go the Himalayas to meditate but he was forced to teach. So basically he was not leading his kingdom doing what he wanted to do but had to had to teach in another country


