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Solving Mars Starving Saturn

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Ernst Wilhelm
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With saturn mars its always about trying to change something or make something better that is just not getting better. Yes, children will be a big part of it. When saturn rules the 5th house a person has to learn to let go of their children and live their lives with less care, not more, but when mars is there with saturn its so hard to do. I have sat mars in 9th too and sat rules my 5th and its the hardest thing for me to do, neglect my kids, but I realized I have to start doing it or else i will be bad for them. They are 19 and 21 now and I still feel guilty if I go somewhere for a few days and don't take them with me or don't take the off time to stay with them and do something with them. Its really crazy. Saturn mars just loves to overdo things that just need to be left alone. 

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@ernst You’re describing how I feel about my son! ???? I have to say « guilt » has been the toughest feeling about being a mom, feeling like I never do enough, not around enough, ... Same with my dog sometimes (6th house ruled by Saturn) ????. I have to say these posts/thread made me realize this and I’ve been less focused on my soon to be 12 yos kid and it’s very liberating. Another thing I’ve noticed is that I can take my creative endeavors way too seriously, killing the fun of it. I constantly have to remind myself that if I want to move forward.

Thanks as always, and also to @anand for starting the thread, that helps a lot!

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Posted by: @mona

... Another thing I’ve noticed is that I can take my creative endeavors way too seriously, killing the fun of it. I constantly have to remind myself that if I want to move forward.

Thanks as always, and also to @anand for starting the thread, that helps a lot!

I do this too! Saturn rules my 5th as well and is in my 4th house conjunct Uranus, while Mars is in my 1st house. I literally became ill from my last client reading because I put so much effort in to it. Ofcourse it helped that the person really loved it but I felt like I was dying while recording it ????. And now I'm working on a promo reading that I've been revising for far too long.

A few days ago, I almost stepped on two bees fighting eachother when I was out for a walk. According to a source I found online, bees represent our level of productivity, and indecisiveness that's probably causing missed opportunities. So I think that may have been my Mars/Saturn omen to cool it. ...Or maybe it was just a Mercury in Scorpio omen haha 

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@kam I can relate! A good remedy is to watch one of these Kapiel (KRS) YouTube videos. Not necessarily for the content but for the goofiness + astrology of it  🙂 I have Mercury in Scorpio too by the way, I think we can get stuck overthinking and over analyzing how we feel about what we do.

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@mona Definitely! My Mercury is also thirsty so that's something I need to work around.

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Hi Ernst,

If we have Ketu with Saturn/Mars, (Ketu/Mars also very close, just 1 degree apart), do we have any free will to solve this Mars/Saturn, or is it completely fated?

For example, this may have implications regarding issues such as vaccine sensitivity. 

Also, for the individual to decide whether to take the vaccine or not, is this Ketu/Mars/Saturn affecting that free will and making it all fated?




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Posts: 349

Hi @anand, my brother also has this placement in Aries (Mars + Ketu + Saturn). He's been fully vaccinated and did not experience any adverse side effects other than a slight headache that went away within 15 minutes and a bruised arm after his first dose. Second dose he felt normal afterwards. He is a 7 of Clubs birth card for context, if you've also studied the cards system.

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