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Astrological Indicators for Sleep Issues

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I can provide my details for research on insomnia, but I would probably prefer not to show my card here too openly. 

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@ayan  Have you tried Bach flowers Ayan?


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Unfortunately I haven't tried it yet, but I could try.
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@ayan wow, that d be awesome. I am Looking forward to your contact!

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@sandyacc I sent You e-mail.

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@ayan Thanks! Got it, gonna reply as soon as I have time to go through everything with calm.Greetings!


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Maybe we also should consider, that planets may behave differently in a chart of someone who was born during night-time vs. someone who was born during day-time, depending on their position below or above the horizon of the native. or if they are west or east from the sun in the birth chart (aka "morning" or "evening" star regarding venus, but this may hold true for other planets as well)


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Somewhere I´ve learnt - wasn´t that Ernst´s teaching? - that an overactive Mercury may cause sleep problems; a Mercury that doesn´t go to rest.


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Yes, that makes sense as Me is the son of Mo (Mo is lord of the night). Both Mo and Me deal with the mind on some level and Me overactive can certainly mean a hyperactive thinking mind that can't get to sleep. I know Ernst has said that people with Ra/Sa conjunctions (or something like that..) in Gemini or Virgo can indicate sleep issues. But, it is tricky to determine exactly because so many things can indicate sleeping issues. 

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@scott-m-19 It might be many factors, also Uranus might play a role...

However, I do have an example of someone who has always suffered from problems with sleeping but recently, when Mars was in Aries for 6 months and ran over his Saturn-VENUS conjunction his trouble with falling asleep worsened!

Venus is his 4th lord. Moon is in Gemini in 12th (...).

TCM recommends calming "the Shen of the Heart" for calming down & better sleep quality. And herewith we d be back to the Sun :/.

I for one do sleep like a baby the moment I am in a horizontal position despite the infamous Saturn in 12th (it is harder to get up though :)) and a never resting Mercury with Sun and Jupiter (4th lord).

So back to SU/JU and Amygdala XL.


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Pardon, autocorrection: Shen of the heart would actually be Moon, seen as a reflection of the Sun.

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@scott-m-19 Sorry for late reaction, I´ve been away from the forum for some months.

Using myself as an example: I have Ra/Sa conjunct and am blessed with a very good sleep, I use to say it´s my biggest talent. Although I have several tough positions in my chart I always manage to sleep well, and it helps me a lot to heal. I´ve thought that it has to do with my good Moon in the 4th, but I don´t know.


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Is Ra/Sa in 12th? 

I have gone through some really tough periods of sleep. I have Ke in 12th and I'm running Ke Dasha. This has been more prevalent in Ketu period for sure. 


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@scott-m-19   Nope, Ra/Sa in 11th. My 12th has no planets and Lord is in GF. Would that help, you mean?



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Well, generally speaking, the 12th is the bhava for sleep right? So thought to ask regarding that. But I think there are too many factors that go into sleep from so many different directions that as Amit posted, Ernst has said that is very difficult to discern and interpret just from the charts. 

Yogesh Lohra
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@Scott-M-19 though it is old thread - just thought of sharing my exe on sleep, I agree with you on 12th house connections with sleep - Ernst relates 12th house to  bed pleasures (not the sex) and it is also house of  post worldly affairs matters at the end of the day (sleep being one of those)  so I assume good bed (good 12th house factors)  helps induces good quality  sleep if connected well with other factors like Mars (Nervous systems) and Moon (Manas) and if  you are running their active periods you will exe quality of sleep depending on health of these planets, if you notice  you will have periods or days where you will have good sleep and not so good sleep or no sleep at all depends on what you are running on 5th level dasha .

It does not matter what planets are influencing 12th house factors as far as sleep in concern (criminal sleeps well too in the jail ) what matters is they should be  good healthy planets overall , you  will often see if 12th house is not good,  people often don't enjoy vacations (they dont get sleep there too 🙂 ) because it is their inability to disconnect their mind with actives world

12th House is toughest of all - The ultimate goal ,so it is not that easy to get a good night sleep (moksha) 🙂

Now,  quantity of sleep is all together is very complex i guess only @ernst can explain it - but if your 12th factors are good whenever you will fall sleep you will get awesome sleep for sure . You will notice some people fall asleep in less than 1 minute at their will 


God bless 



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If I could fall asleep in 1 minute I would be thrilled!!!!!!!!!! ☕ ☕ ☕ ☕ 

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I have noticed that afflicted Mars (in either D1 or D30) can indicate sleep issues since Mars rules the nervous system and the brain stem which @ernst says in his medical astro course to affect sleep patterns. Ma can be excitable. 

Also Rahu in 12th can create different disturbances for sleep I have found. But...I need a lot more charts of sleepless people...It is interesting to research this in our world where so many people are anxious and have sleep issues, but sleep issues can come from soo many things..



Yogesh Lohra
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One more factor in sleep issue is due to medical condition  that could be due to issues in Pineal Gland  which regulates day/night cycle through the secretion of Melatonin which primarily secreted during darkness , Melatonnin induces sleep along with dulling of the senses 

So if in clients chart  Me signs (rules cognitive system)  are affected by poor sun (rules Pineal Gland)  then there are chances that they may not have sound sleep so look for those and see if you find some more concrete ground on sleep issues 


Ernst Wilhelm
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@scott-m-19 Any pathology will affect sleep patterns and sexuality. So ANY disease will have some impact on these two things. So any planet that is disturbing a person, will affect sleep somehow. It may not cause sleeplessness, but it may cause waking up late, tired when waking, anything that is not normal. So you won't be able to boil it down to a single or even a few factors.

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