Iron deficiency in ...
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Iron deficiency in the blood

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Ernst Wilhelm
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The first thing to do is see if he is vitamin B12 deficient. So have him take b12, better, get a B12 shot. I would be surprised if the doctors did not examine that already? If B12 does not help, then he has serious problems and the cause could be tricky to find. 

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Ayan, I realize this conversation is 7mos old but perhaps this could help you.  Anemia is lack of iron in the blood. It runs in my family.  I am not a doctor but anemia is pretty common in older people it seems.  I have to take 1cc cyanocobalamin or Vit B12 inj. once a month.  My mother did not recognize the symptoms which are fatigue, mouth and tongue sores, and a myriad of other things.  My Dad had it also and the corners of his mouth would get raw.  My mother's condition became so severe she started hearing voices and became schizophrenic!  She was treated with Vit B injections also. 

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Thank You all for opinions, yes, it´s true. Doctors hasn´t check the B 12 level.

I will transmit this information and this person will try B 12. If it helps, I will give some backfeed, how things have progressed.


Best wishes


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Posted by: @ayan

a blood test showed very low levels of iron.

Hi Ayan

Just adding that if iron levels are low, then improving B-12 may not be of help because both are required in their own way for healthy Red Blood Cells.

A common reason could be Coeliac Disease, where body reacts to Gluten in diet. So maybe Gluten free diet can be looked into. Or there could be more serious issue related to intestines which are blocking absorption of iron (eg Crohn's disease), but it'll not be prudent to guess the condition here.

From Medical Astro point of view, one can check involvement and affliction to following:

1. Mars (Iron)

2. Virgo (Site of intestines)

3. Venus (Small Intestine) and its signs


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@rajan Thanks for the explanation! Years of symptoms appear to overlap. In any case, it is worth paying attention.

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Thanks for the tips and ideas, there is a lot to learn from them.

The subject died a few weeks ago, had poor kidney function and a weak heart. He could not cope. Unfortunately, I don't know exactly what was there. One doctor said that because the condition was quite hopeless, they didn't bother much.

The problem manifested itself many years ago in the form of heart rhythm problems. Renal function began to weaken, and after more serious hospitalizations, severe iron deficiency and inability to acquire iron were identified. Many intravenous iron transfers were made, but these did not change the situation either. It went as it went.

In general, people seem to have some level kidney problems quite often, they may not be felt for a long time, and when there is a greater weakness, it is already difficult to do anything.

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