Endometriosis - emo...
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Endometriosis - emotional causes?

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Hello Ernst and group. I'm interested in studying Endometriosis from an emotional and astrological point of view. 

It's a curious condition: the cells that are found in the lining of the womb (that build up and then break down causing the bleeding during periods) grow in other parts of the body, like in the ovaries, fallopian tubes but they can even grow in the intestines... it's like womb type cells colonizing other parts of the body...

What could be the emotional root of these womb cells trying to expand beyond their territory like this? It's maybe sexual issues (2nd chakra), or the (subconscious) need to be a mother, or something relating to problems in one's feminine energy... has anyone looked into it? 


2- In the chart, what are all the factors we should look at? 

I'm thinking: Jupiter, signs of Jupiter, Libra sign (and any rasi aspects to it), and maybe Mercury since the problem is actual tissue growing where it shouldn't be? Anything else? 


3.- Finally, what remedies would you recommend to clean out the 2nd chakra? 


Thank you very much!

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Hi Silvia 

I had to look at chart with the same issue couple of weeks ago, Ernst suggested to look at Jupiter or his houses, since it relates to ovaries (cyst). The chart I was looking at had multiple conjunctions in Sagittarius.

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@shashanth Thank you! Was this woman formally diagnosed with endometriosis? cause you can also have cysts in your ovaries that are not endometriosis. If yes, could you tell me her Graha positions and Asc. Thanks!

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Hi Silvia,


Formally diagnosed yes, I have attached the chart. kindly share any insights

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Thanks for the chart! Two charts are not enough to draw firm conclusions but I can see that in both charts Jupiter is afflicted (in your chart it's combust, shamed by the Sun and with it's enemy Mercury) even though it's in its own sign. In the chart I have Jupiter is in a sign of Mercury. So maybe the influence of Mercury on Jupiter should be carefully analysed for this condition. Also, the Moon is starved by Saturn in your chart and in my chart the Moon is combust by the Sun.

It's not difficult to have Jupiter, the signs of Jupiter or the Moon afflicted, so it shouldn't be difficult to develop this condition (although there are several grades in intensity) it's believed 1 in 10 women have endometriosis. It would be great to get more charts. 

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@silvia Hi Silvia I researched the symptoms and I recognized what is the possibility to resolve the issue. I read the kamasutra like 20 years or so and I remember that the size if the intimacy must match or studie the right pose for that and it also could mean that may have entered water insaid and also coffee or any similar substances including sugary stuff  or over exercise can also do it to. If you take medication that's the worst, it's not really curable but I know anything will heal in time of the age if it's not to late. Otherwise the second chackra or just brand new ovaries but its risky. But ive seen a 80 years old did it ..if it's damaged already. Usually they say that the oven should clean it self. But one brutal move from some one ,which happened to me once it could damage the tissue and cause all kids of even siest, or if you drink Ballys is the worst it cause that yellow stuff I forget what's the name of it. And if the body have harpies also can interfere. .I hope this helped 🙏

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From emotional aspects it’s said that it is caused by ambivalent feelings regarding having a partner (because they are fearful of a profound relationship) and also regarding motherhood in which there is a big wish but with rejection at the same time. This condition has also been linked to obsesive compulsive and bipolar symptoms of high energy mixed to low moods.

in this chart I see lord of 5th house (for children) is in the 2nd, Saturn sitting with Moon (mind- but also motherhood) in Scorpio (a very obsessive sign) 

Regarding what causes emitional imbalance I would think that if Jupiter is involved it’s due to the inbalance in the endocrine system producing mood swings. Jupiter also related to children

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@veronica Thank you Veronica, the things you write in the first paragraph are quite revelling, did you get that from a book or from your own research? would love to know if there are any resources you recommend with info like that. Since the womb is 2nd chakra themes of co-creating and sexuality are gonna be the key points, I thought. Dreaming about being a mother but rejecting it at the same time is bang on for one of the charts I've seen.   

I've never heard the obsessive compulsive / bi polar relation, that one's also interesting, could you point me to the study or web that says so. 

In both charts that I have Moon is hurt (by Sun or Saturn), so yeah... mother / motherhood / female energy stuff. 

Doctors only have as treatment the pill, they've seen the cysts reduce in size when hormones are controlled, so definitely a Jupiter issue. Jupiter rules sugar and I've read that women that control sugar in their diet have less endometriosis pain. Jupiter is also creating children, as you say, and rules the 2nd chakra. 

Venus would get exalted placed in the 2nd chakra, so issues revolving around one's worth, denying oneself pleasure or a relationship... it's all very interesting. 

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