My sense is that the first and last antardasa is more of a transitionary phase from one dasa to the next? Like the dawn that transitions nighttime to daytime. Would the first and last antardasas not produce concretely like the other antardasas and just be more of a transitionary phase?
You have mentioned Ra/Ve dasa often 'makes or breaks' someone. Can you elaborate on that?
The first antardasa gives the trend of the previous dasa but can create big effects in the context of what that antardasa lord is STRONGEST to do. SO if its strongest to do something, it will give it then, but then it wont get better during the rest of the dasa.
The end of the dasa is a transition, a period of ending and completion. if the avastha of the antar lord is good, it will be a warm period of ending that gives contentment of some type. If a bad avastha, its a bad ending or the end of something that has needed to end for a long time.