Nakshatra tara tabl...
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Nakshatra tara table accuracy

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It's really really good. now let's say person has a saturn moon conjunction in the nakshatra tara table but not in the normal chart, which is more significant and vice versa also thanks 

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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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The are significant relevant to the technique. So in the tara table its the nakshatra conjunction that matters. In the rasi chart its the rasi conjunction. 

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@ernst so like rashi conjunctions will cause problems in life and nakshatra conjunctions will cause problems in how their mentality develops? Like it'll either be traumatic or slow right?


And also u said rahu, saturn and other maledics cause damage with moon but also that cruel in their own nakshatra help it out right? So let's say a person has saturn nakshatra moon and saturn conjunct moon there (in the nakshatra table) so is saturn gonna damage moon now being a malefic or is it gonna help moon develop since it's in it's own nakshatra? Like i think it's a good question thanks..

Ernst Wilhelm
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The n akshatras show how we respond to the concrete reality and in so doing, move into our future, we create the future moment with our response, so the concrete is also created by the nakshatra. so saturn and moon in a nakshatra respond with pessimism, fear, etc. and in so doing reduce the possibilities. 

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@ernst I've wondered about this because i have Saturn and Moon in Svati. Saturn is in Scorpio and Moon is in Libra, so they don't create an avasta, but i really relate to the Moon/Saturn starvation.

My dad and his sister have Moon conjunct Saturn, one of my brothers has it as well. I escaped it by a few hours but not really it seems!

Ernst Wilhelm
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That's interesting that you all have that conjunction in some way. It's easy to work out and heal it when it's in the nakshatras actually as its on a responsive level instead of an ideational level. So this saturn moon is not your  program, its one you picked up from the environment, soaking up the behavior of those around you and identifying with it, but its not you. 

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@ernst what a helpful reframe, thank you. 

(Wohoo, just got a little reading from The Cat of the 8th bhava ????)

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@brightsun what's the cat of the 8th bhava

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@dik it's Ernst.
