Dear Ernst,
I started listening to your free Prasna class. I am not through it. Interesting so far. In the course you mention that there is an very old book that you have sent out to your students. Can you send that to me too or tell me the name of it?
What books can you recommend on Prasna?
What about Prasna Marga by BV Raman? It seems quite extensive with much details about so many things and it seems much to learn.
I found a book on Prasna by Suryanarayana Rao called "Chappanna or Prasna Sastra". Do you know that? Would you recommend that book? Its seems more simple and is much shorter compared to Prasna Marga.
I see that you have a course on Prasna with an written material included. You say in the discription that this course teaches Tajika Prasna. What is Tajika system and what other systems of Prasna are there? Whats the difference?
Kind regards
Tajika Prashna is the persian style preserved in India. Its the same school as Varashaphala so I like to use it because the principles are the same and skill in principles is important so if a person can do something with the same principles its easier and more accurate than using principles that a person is not familiar with.
With that said, Prasna Marga is the most important prashna book and it's a lifetime of study for those who want to master prasna. How accurate all the techniques are, I can't say as I have not tried everything there. But its covers the south indian style of prasna which is very old and free from the greek and persian influences that have influenced the prashna texts in north india. If i was specializing in prashna i would devote years to that book and maybe someday I will but right now I am specializing in self development astrology and refining predictive calculations. If I remember correctly, the Chappanna is the same as Shatpanchasikia a abook that S. Rao and his grandson BV raman both liked. I attach it here. its a very simple prashna book. The attached has the Battopola commentary which makes it better as he was the most read astrologer of around the 11th century who commented on all the important texts available at the time.
All my Prasna Courses are based on Tajika. Shatpanchasika is written by Varahamihiri's son so its based on Varaha mihiri astrology which is the Yavana style astrology as per Yavana Jataka. its very similiar to Parashara Astrology.
Yes, its the same as Chappana but different translator. I do not have Rao's translation at this time, but he is not the best translator. I would go with Sastra most likely. I am sure the Vergas is simply a typo. Thank you for the copy of CH appana. I do not have time right now to go through them and decide which is more worthy. But i have not alwasy been happy with rao or especially raman translations.
I do not remember if sastri had rivalry with Rao.
It would be great if you can dig up a sanskrit version of this so that we can check to see if it says navamsa or shad vargas.
The word used is varge, which means in the varga, it does not say shad vargas or navamsa. it simply means in the varga. So one translator read that as shad vargas, this cannot be correct as the sanskrit varge is singular, not plural. ALso, if we consdier the shad vargas we will get a lot of contradictory info. its not usual to use varga for navamsa, usually they use amsa. but it could be that in that region of india they meant navamsa when just saying varga just like its common to mean navamsa when they say amsa. So its best to use navamsa I think.