Finding Lost Object...
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Finding Lost Objects

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Are the instructions for casting a prashna for finding a lost object in the Tajika Prashna video section here, or is it part of the free prashna audio course on the older Vedic Astrology website?



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Ernst Wilhelm
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Its the free prashna course on audio on I will be doing a second prashna course eventually that covers specific prashnas. 

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It is not on that audio. 

(@Anonymous 30058)
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@scott-m-19 Nakshatras in Prashna can also be a good help to find missing objects precisely. Some books or internet, you can find information.

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Sounds good!



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It would be intriguing if anyone has any examples to share.  I did my first prashna for a lost item a few months ago and it was quite illuminating.

 The question was about a lost wallet while the person was staying at a rental apartment and attending a religious gathering in a city. First off Jupiter was with the 4th cusp, so I told them it was in their dwelling place.  Next, the 8th house cusp (hidden things) was in Cancer and Moon was in Scorpio, so it was covered somehow and at the bottom of something and Moon was with Ketu in the 12th house, another hidden house.  I predicted that they would find it in two days because Jupiter was in Ithasala Yoga by 2 degrees with the Sun in the 11th House which came true.  Interestingly Jupiter was actually further progressed in degrees than the Sun but at the time it was retrograde so it was actually approaching the sun and not separating.  This aspect of retrograde planets, especially when they are the karaka of the issue/item in question can be tricky and I got lucky going with Ithasala rather than Isharapha.  

@scott-m-19 made the observation that Jupiter is not in Ithasala with the Sun.  The wallet being found in 2 days is implicated by other factors, see the conversation below

It ended up being in the living room [11th cusp in Libra?] at the bottom of a basket [Moon in Scorpio] that was elevated on a bar stool.  One of the more surprising things about this reading was the Hora and Drekkana of the Lagna at 19:05 Sag.  Hora reads: "woman of handsome brilliance [wallet owner was a woman] who is full of motion, pride and playfulness and who shines like gold. She understands magic, is artful in the use of poison and weapons and gives cleaver advice. Seated on an auspicious throne [living room couch is where she sat most of the time] she looks at an excellent CASKET filled with jewels and other riches [the basket that was in view of the couch!]. With spotless ointments on her body as she gazes at the jewels from the sea, she shines, smiling like Lakshmi." also the Drekkena: "woman who is charming, graceful and beautiful.  She is seated on an auspicious throne, and is pale with a golden-hued garment.  Opening a golden casket in a heap of jewels [the wallet was covered in a heap of things], she takes pleasure in distributing it's contents"  

I didn't see this till afterwards but it really impressed me how the descriptions held many relating factors and if I would have read about the casket at the time of the reading it most likely would have been found then.  I'm not very experienced with prashnas, does anyone else have examples of lost objects?  What houses do you use? Anyone have experience with hora and drekkena descriptions in prashna readings?

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@quasar259 wow amazing, thanks for sharing!
no i don't have experience in prashna yet! ❤️

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Corey Dowds has 5 examples of finding lost objects on his YouTube channel. You can almost learn the whole method from those examples alone. 

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Can you share the horoscope details? I want to see the chart for myself.

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@scott-m-19 9/28/2022, 13:04:23 Santa Cruz, Ca

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Ju is closely conjunct 4th cusp and Ma the 4th lord aspects the lagna within orb showing the object will be found. Ju is not in Ithasala with Sun, they are separating. But Mo is in ithasala with Sa connecting the Mo with the 2nd house of resources (money). Also the lord of the 12th Ma (house of loss) is also the lord of the 4th (treasured item) and aspects lagna. 

I wonder of the wallet was in the northeastern part of the apartment? This is perhaps due to Aries and Gemini relating to East and Southeast. Perhaps the wallet was near or in something red? 

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@scott-m-19 I don't remember anything about red.  It was in the Southeast part of the apartment.  How to you account for the wallet being found in two days?

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Not sure how SE comes up...Aries rules red or reddish color. Interesting how it was hidden in a basket, definitely scorpio. Will look into this further...

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Also, the fire element (which the lagna lord and 4th cusp was in) rules 'above ground level but not high - like eye level'. Which the item was elevated from the ground but not super high. 

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@scott-m-19 great insight!

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In terms of timing, I am not sure why it would be two days. The technique for using degrees for days only occurs when you have a movable lagna. A dual lagna indicates 1 week per degree between planets in yogas. 

The vimshottari 1-yr is Ju/Ju in on 10/1/2022 which would be about three days after this prasna was cast. Pretty close. Ju is lagna lord, lord of money, in 4th...

Common sense would suggest they would probably find the wallet in their home dwelling relatively soon.

In the prasna screen in Kala, there is a table you can click on for timing techniques in Prasna. Probably from Prasna Marga. But I only tried the first one and it suggested 82 days...

The direction can be tricky since you have to combine two rasis it seems (that is what Corey does). Ernst has yet to teach that. But Saggitarius is the SW, and the 4th cusp and lagna lord are in Aries which is East. So perhaps getting into a middling effect of Southeast would be the correct direction. That is what you said it was found in. Pisces rules the Southeast. 

Thanks for sharing this example. I have been wanting to learn this for fun and this was a good example. 

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@scott-m-19 your right about the Sun moving away from Jupiter.  This is funny, I remember Ernst talking in one video about how your intuition will pick up on something and even use a faulty technique that comes up with a correct answer, so I got lucky here.  Thanks for pointing that out Scott.  

Two days can be seen through using Rule #5 in the timing prashna screen that says 

"5. The time of fructification is to be known by multiplying the time-periods allotted to the different planets by the number of Navamsas gained by the planet in the rasi." 

Jupiter is in the second navamsa and in movable sign so that = 2 days.

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I don't understand that #5 Prasna timing method. But I agree that your intuition will pick something up and run with it and it can work! 

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@scott-m-19 Taking it to mean the karaka of the subject of the prashna and then how many navamshas it was progressed in the whatever sign it's in according to the rasi chart yields the correct result.  It doesn't say anything about adding up the planets so perhaps it's using one planet and I would think using the karaka of the subject would be the logical first choice.

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The lost 'object' is the 4th as the 4th is the treasured item. So the 4th is the primary objective bhava. 

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Doing something like this at times, I have noticed more often then not, something can literally be as obvious as day right in front of you and one can still not notice it. If Objects are like gems, then some are in the 12th/8th/6th and perhaps should remain lost.


What I would be interested in however is finding something that you dont have, but is in line with what you need or should have. More often then not however, interpreting this is hell, but I would be interested in an in depth coarse or something along those lines to help with that. Or is something like this already in one of the coarses, as I have not seen it.

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@uunarim finding what you don't have, is not really finding, is it?  Seems like your talking about discovery and in particular discovery of what fills a void, solves a problem or advances in an appreciable direction.  Discovery then is more about what was hidden becoming revealed, realized, recognized, unconcealed, exposed.  Does that strike a chord?

Also "should" is a funny word in astrology.  If there is an idea that someone is not getting what they "should" be getting, that strikes me as 'not getting your fair share in the world', a negative lajjitaadi avastha and also Mercury afflicted in D4 and not fully perceiving the far reaching effects of karma.  We can increase what we experience in the world and grow beyond the confines of karma(perhaps by redefining limitations through changing our limited view of ourselves) through working with the elements, our minds, psychology, emotions, etc. thus giving us 'more' but that 'more' is a reflection of the merit gained by working intelligently with what we have in our lives in the present.  This then dovetails with the process of discovery in the sense that if we are showing up and being aware and present consistently with our reality then it is only a matter of time before a beneficial dasa period runs to unlock what we need, seemingly like magic.  

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@quasar259 I believe in the end I would be the one to really answer these things. I am sure there isnt some sudra trash astrologer out there that could genuinely help me, but I havent found it. I dont blame them for wanting to make a buck, though the level of regress and karma they partake in makes me have a constrant stream of distaste towards the astrology world in general.

This aside, I dont have Kala and use other software for learning this, so what would you recommend for doing prashna to find or understand this system? Listening to ernst comment on using it to find something that was under his moveable washer, its clear you need kala to do it, which I do not have.

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