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Feb 21, 2025 6:52 am
Hi everyone, I thought I would share the practical application of Tajika Prashna to find a missing object. This is my post on Facebook:
The following demonstrates an example of the validity of Tropical Vedic Astrology using Tajika techniques (Tajika being a form of Persian Astrology that was preserved in India) for myself finding a lost object:
Today I was looking for my suitcase which I will be needing in a few days to travel. I leave it beneath Crystal Hermitage in the old recording studio but I could not find it. When I realized this and not sure where it could have gone or if someone took it, I casted a horoscope of the moment I realized my suitcase was missing (below is the horoscope).
I knew I would find my suitcase because the lagna lord was in ithasala yoga with the 4th lord (the missing object). I would find it quickly due to the Moon being involved since the Moon is a very fast planet. I knew I would find the suitcase in or near a green environment since the 4th is in Libra, a sign that represents a green color. I also would find the suitcase in the western direction from where I thought it would be since Libra rules the west.
So, I went to a part of the Hermitage where there is a green carpet, which is west from the position where I discovered my suitcase went missing. I soon found my suitcase in a closet right off from the hallway with bright green carpet.
What is also interesting is that Venus, the 4th lord, is in the sign of Aries. Aries represents a reddish, magenta color, which is EXACTLY the color of my suitcase.
It is interesting how astrology can be so concretely practical. I have also found that Prashna is the most accurate form of predictive astrology in my experience, but you cannot force it as it is so specific to the moment.
2 Replies
Feb 21, 2025 11:45 pm
A good one, congrats! You seem to have nailed it. And have a good journey!
Feb 22, 2025 9:38 am
i always like to read people's examples and see how they derive at the conclusion. Putting the theory to practice is the best way to learn...