Will I die?
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Will I die?

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... if I rent that space, or is it a death prediction no matter, or what is it?

I cast a prasna for renting a space and one of the aspects is cruura Mars aspecting the second lord Saturn, that is also the Lagna Lord. Ithasala yoga.

... that according to the Prasna course is reason to predict death. (3 paragraph, 6th chapter in the manual)

Any thoughts on this matter?

The prasna reading is OK, that is there are no indications against doing it. The time is octobre 31, 11:23, San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico. (If using Kala, real time was 10:23 but Kala missed the clock change some hours before the event.)


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Ernst Wilhelm
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any time you cast a prasna, you have to read the prashna. That means you have to look for all aspects to the lagna lord that are indicating a result in the future. Regardless of teh question, the prashna may have something else it wants to tell the person. so if mars is aspecting lagna lord who is also second lord, yes, someing is in on its way, look at what mars rules to get an idea of what it is and remember that the 2nd house will also play a role. Is the aspect to saturn with mars a friendly or inimical aspect? that will impact thigns as well. But no, I wold not predict an actual death just based on that. 

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@ernst Yeah... Because that´s what the manual suggests, "predict death"... The problem is we are not going to get any wiser if it happens; me because I´m dead and you because I won´t be able to tell you about the outcome... In this case it´s an unfriendly aspect and it´s to the Lagna Lord, so no extanuating circumstances... Maybe Jupiter conjunct Saturn... We´ll see, we´ll see.


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@ernst I got into joking mode, but honestly, this creates a credibility problem. The manual is very clear: "predict death". So why shouldn't I do that in this case? And if not, what else should not be in the manual? 

I will have to predict death for myself or question the method it seems... 


Ernst Wilhelm
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there are many yogas given in the texts with extreme results. Not all have been tested. So you need to watch, and see, if death happens, then we know the yoga is trustworthy. But you can't take ANYTHING at face value from the old texts. Just run your disease yogas and see how  terrible most of them work. Astrology is in a huge state of disrepair and everything needs to be tested. 

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@ernst Absolutely! Even if it happens to be a truthful indication, it´s still a blunt instrument of course. Unless several factors speak point in the same direction. Maybe that´s the main lesson for me in this: to look for several indications. With redundance: possibly true prediction. With no redundance: a slight chance (or risk). Isn´t that so?

I faced the same prediction in a card reading on a similar theme though, I guess that´s what made me nervous. But in that tradition death is more commonly seen as a metaphor, of course. Always good to reflect upon Death though; I came to realize that I have unfinished things in life, especially related to my children.

Also realizing I shouldn´t discuss predictions made by a person with a prominent 9 of Diamonds card.


Thank you Ernst!


Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3504
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yes, always look for confirmations for extreme things. otherwise its too easy to make predictions that dont happen. 

and when you see death in a prashna, always look at the chart as well, unless its a medical prashna, if death shows up there, you gotta worry!


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Just thought I would check in and see if it was ever determined what was meant in this prashna.

Did you decide not to rent the space?


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