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Pitru Dosha

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(@Anonymous 30058)
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@Amit Bhat, pitru dosha are not curse yogas. As Ernst has detailed about Moon Rahu conjunction, which is one of the pitru dosha, it can be a great yoga for success once the initial adversity is overcome. It depends on the avasthas. Like Moon Rahu in cancer, this conjunction gives great results in Swarashi. Mahatma Gandhi, Raj Kapoor had this pitru dosha (Moon Rahu conjunction in cancer) and did quite well in their lives.

The other Pitru dosha includes Sun Ketu conjunction, Moon Ketu conjunction, Sun Rahu conjunction and even Sun-Saturn conjunctions which Ernst has explained in great details.

Some of these yogas are called Shakti Yogas and Lal Kitab even calls Moon Rahu conjunction as Dharmi Kundli, native is divine protected. 

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Amit Bhat
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Hi Ruchi

Are you aware about any classics mentioning about this pitru dosha? It's normally heard in trambakeshwar where it's remedy is done. I am trying to check its source and search through various classics. So far, I found Sun and rahu affliction to 9th or 9th lord classifies for pitra dosh and which looks logical too. But there can be more combinations like you mention. I am trying to find the authentic sources mentioning these. 

Curse may not be the perfect word to describe them but I think it's kind of failure of performance of duties in previous lives where the person could and should have done it but didn't, so it's a kind of debt. So unless the debt is cleared away, the progress of the house where it is formed is blocked. Because simply the person doesn't deserve it.

Also any bad deepatadi avasthas to Sun/moon will make it impaired or unable to do its job properly and bad LAs can accompany too. So that house will be prone failure more often. So, it's a complex mess that is evident. 



(@Anonymous 30058)
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@amit Lal Kitab mentions it if you accept it as classics. My personal experience with this Dosha, it can give good results too without any debt payment or remedy, it just depends on avasthas and native being in harmony with life. Social conditioning is something which hinders this yoga but as Ernst mentions if a person continues to follow his inner voice, live with awareness, native can enjoy peace, happiness and basic good that comes with life. 




Amit Bhat
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Okay Ruchi...

I see this term being used in multiple contexts by different schools of thought. Like trambak people seems to mean as I explained in previous post : some of the ancestors are stuck somewhere on lower Astral planes, so they are awaiting their release by their descendants by doing the remedial measures like they do in trambakeshwar or in gaya too. 

In bphs, there is a whole chapter on curses by different people in earlier lives resulting in childlesness. Some call this pitra dosha too.

What does lal kitab mean by pitra dosha? 

Amit Bhat
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Okay, what I find so far, moon rahu for pitra dosha should either afflict 9th house or 9th lord primarily. Your 9th lord isn't involved here. So, I won't call it a pitra dosha for you.

Also rahu is an outcaste, so certainly it is very difficult to be truly sattvic until 42 at least in general. So rahu can only create chaos until it's lessons are learnt. Good that you got Moon in own sign, that helps rahu a lot.


(@Anonymous 30058)
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@amit what I learnt from my gurus is pitra dosha can be in any house as long as moon conjunct with rahu, ketu or sun conjunct with rahu, ketu or saturn. 

About rahu, I just find that it needs creative outlets, if it has, the energies move upward and the person can be sattvik, no matter what age. 

Amit Bhat
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moon rahu especially moon in own house  can't be that troublesome. It's not even forming bad LA. It's more about evolutionary growth of emotional self rather than paying any heavy duty karmic debts to ancestors. It's about more growth of your ancestor lineage. It can be called low severity pitra dosha. 

I know a moon rahu in 9th house leo and I see they are going through a rocky life. After all 9th is the most strongest trine. We don't need 11th to be really happy as much as we need 9th to be anchored in our life. 

9th turns out to be life mission in d45. That gives person the volition to go after what they are inspired and sets them on a very purposeful path in life. So if a person hasn't served their parents in previous lives, what can they truly serve in this world? 

Dashrath killed sravan Kumar by chance only and made his parents miserable, look what misery befall him at the end. His life became total disaster. And we are talking about father of an avatar. That is the most severe form of Pitra dosha. 


(@Anonymous 30058)
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Agree that the severity is different.

For moon rahu in 9th house in Leo, you can also use healing principles of rahu ketu from Ernst videos.

In general, ketu 3rd house, rahu 9th house is a difficult shift. It implies, roughly, that a person was a businessman in a network (Aquarius sign), became an expert, lost the inner fire, truth and started cheating others. This lifetime is to move to the opposite side, develop spirituality. Like, in this case, in order to heal 9th house, the native needs to do Leo things, like letting the creative juices flow in, being centred, developing the inner fire and spending more time alone. If the individual focuses on his or her hobbies, that will help in creative outlet (trigger Leo) and help him find spirituality through creative outlet. 9th house is also skill development (remember 3,6,9, 12 houses psychology) so anytime of hobby that helps him in skill development, will help him too. It will make him discover himself, find inner strength and fire. It will help him find inner happiness, shift in consciousness which will solve all other problems.

Amit Bhat
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Learning rahu lessons is one thing for growth and evolution and the blocks which hinder that learning process are other. I am talking about the blocks here and the universe will conspire to make the person pay his dues. That's the law of karma. 

And where ever there is Rahu, no one can avoid cheating in that house. Rahu is deceptive. Shows one thing but brings another! 

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(@Anonymous 30058)
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Hi @Amit

sorry for late reply. There is a concept called Dharmi Kundli in Lal Kitab where it especially mentions that natives with Moon Rahu conjunction (one of the pitri dosha) are divine protected as long as they stay Sattvik in nature. My personal experience. See, I have moon rahu exact, strong conjunction within 1 degree,  in cancer sign in 11th house. So, being swarashi definitely helped me. It was a struggle in childhood and teenage years but now as Ernst mentions, that Moon Rahu conjunction can help Rahu mature early instead of the usual 42 years and afterwards maturation. That is what exactly happened. I am running 42 now. Now, Moon Rahu works well in my life. I see it as a positive conjunction and it helps me in research abilities, creative thinking. I read lot of psychology books around teenage as moon rahu in cancer but that time I was not in astrology and did it based on intuition. My health, career and relationships are normal. No traditional remedy was done. 

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Hi Amit,

Please let me know of any new insights, research findings, symptoms, remedies, etc. you find on Pitru Dosha as I clearly have a form of this.

I can send you my birth data if you still want to research and compare examples. If so, how do I send it to you?



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Amit Bhat
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Hi @mitryendra80 .

Any planets signifying parents type of connection and conjunct and thus afflicted with ra/ke/sa indicates pitra dosha. 

Sun,  Venus - Father 

Moon, Mars - mother 

Jupiter - Paternal grandparents 

Venus - Maternal grandparents 

Pik - Father 

MK - Mother 

Then above planets afflicted in 12th, 9th indicates very high severity pitra dosha, or their lords afflicted as above.

Then above planets afflicted in 6th,8th or afflicted by these lords.

Then further measure severity of pitra dosha with DA/LA of above planets.

Then see which house this is forming where difficulties will be experienced and afflictions will be to cusps too.

Just use houses as full rashis from Ascendant.

This is what I could find so far and thanks to Ganesh and Yogesh for helping with their findings too. Ganesh helped to deduce a basic idea. I couldn't find a text yet where this term is coined but I get very good results on above logic.

You can email me 

In India, it is a very serious concept to perpetuate pitris by senior members of family whose parents have left for Astrals. 

Then annual shrads are performed in pitra paksha. 

Sharada are done in holy places too.

This told by Ganesh - It must be done in Teertha Kshetras that are ancient places and have astronomical and cultural significance. Trambakeshwar, Kashi, Gaya, Kurukshetra, Srirangapatna, Kalahasti, Kukke Subramanya, Triveni sangham of any ancient rivers, Prayagraj are all places of such ancestral worship.


Yogesh Lohra
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@amit this is great and thanks for putting it together this can be used as manual as of now till we get the authentic references  I have tested this technique on my own charts and few of my clients too it does have truthfulness to it . So Imp is typical symptoms of Dosha which a person will exeperiecne it he/she has above combinations which we discussed  are mostly related to issues in Pro-creatingy your dynasty , issue with children's , you see unexpected hurdles and lot of difficulties in achieving success , lot of expense and health issues (self factors ) , also there are remedies and ancient traditions prescribes to get rid of this pritru dosha and those are recommended to do it certain holy rivers banks of Ganga , Godavari , Krishna and few more  by designated Pandits (Priest) as mentioned by Amit in above post   , one more combination which can be added is if Rahu and Ke in kendra houses and their lords are in 6,8 12 then also it  will form mild pitru dosha

Amit Bhat
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Thanks Yogesh

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@amit @yogesh 

Have you come across any alternative remedials other than the shrada at holy places mentioned above; something which could be done at native place or by own self?

Amit Bhat
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I think, please contact some local pandit ji who has knowledge about these ...


Amit Bhat
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@amit Thanks Amit for sharing

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@amit Thank you.

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