Rahu in the 9th
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Rahu in the 9th

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This is not astrological reply, but a Philosophical one.

My Japanese boss always mentioned to me " When the student is ready, the great teacher appear. "

Maybe one day you'll find a new one.


For my case I have exalted Jupiter in 9th house cancer, In my life I have great teachers pass by, including my father and other spiritual people that knows occult advised me with the most simplest things... Avoid fights, arrogance, be humble so within me has more power when in times of need.  What I am curious if I get false teacher though, I am not sure if I have gotten some... I don't know how to tell.

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@strychnine I've noticed that those with exalted Jupiter seem to just naturally have great mentors in their lives. Usually starting from a young age.

Jupiter is a great buffer against the harsh confusion of life's path.

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@mitryendra80 They are really old people too, they passed away, but some of them still lived.

I wish I could spend more time learning from them... And 90% of them are really really poor, my relatives are poor, but they are highly spiritual.

My boss, who loves reading psychology, real life books etc. A kendo 6th Dan Sensei, his friends are my friends too, though he retired, he still keep in touch with me.

The weirdest thing is I try to rectify his chart and we have the same planets, I am Scorpio and He is Capricorn ascendant.

My Saturn, Sun, Venus, Mercury in 3rd house of Capricorn.

His is on 11th House of Scorpio!

We think alike! But he is highly highly intellectual, we debate alot, especially religion and jokes with me about Astrology, saying : "You believe those rocks floating that will influence our lives?" And we both crack and I still proceed to what I say.

My current boss almost similar to my chart too! He is Leo, with Saturn Moon, Jupiter in Libra 3rd house!

My gosh, makes me wonder who I am attracting too, he's very good with tools, he has same imagination as I do, since our nakshatra is in Chitra...

Funny thing is, both of my boss we literally catch with sarcasms, inuendo's and all!

With your Rahu, Hopefully you don't get false teachers... I think that's what rahu causing/attracting. But since you wanted to learn about life, start with reading books.

Psychology, Philosophy, History, life, etc. And that probably help you attract teachers with the same feathers!

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Here Rahu in 9th in Sag.
AK Ju with Sun in 12, Pisces, combust.
Teachers have been the people more significantly have affected my life.
When being involved in some project with them, life was full of meaning. I just knew what I wanted to do and I did it.
However after some years I had to eventually leave them. I did not know how to properly relate to them. Falling in love with fantasies. Or becoming small, submissive or as a child, not having a voice...
To leave was not easy at all, many many tears but the learning stays.
The first half of Rahu Dasa I was mostly searching for knowledge at University. But nothing important happened, although love for some books, it still remained like shallow entertainment. But in 1999 I started to dance, so my first interaction with a human teacher, gave me a new power, maybe partly the subject was the body, but it was so deeply nourishing..., vitality and spirit motivation, for a couple of years. And soon after, 2003-2010 the most radical transformation. This time with a Japanese dance teacher.
As Rahu Dasa was ending, I felt it's enough. It was getting too toxic with him. I turned the page.
He was often abusing of my willingness to help him. Never showing gratitude or kindness. Nevertheless it was in that context and with him that I could learn and evolve as anywhere else.
Once I entered Ju Dasa, I got other teachers, they've been much nicer with me. And usually after one learning-relationship fades a new teacher appears.
In Ju Dasa I noticed my awareness started. During Rahu dasa I was really in a cloud. Getting adult in Rahu dasa has been like entering a world with no idea at all of anything around me.
I could only see my desires/inspirations, which I could follow without any concern, also without responsibility, but quite often full of joy. Nothing however was built. Everything ephemeral.
With Ju dasa, the desire to build came up, the need to be part of a context, regulations and therefore difficulties and frustration. Lagna lord Mars only starved by Me. None to help.
Maybe one day I will manage.
I see in people with a good Sun the power of faith. I don't have that, yet. Not yet shining but it's there waiting for me.
I keep thinking why Rahu felt much easier..., maybe because Aries Lagna just want to do and results matter little?
So far I've learnt different skills, and witnessed attitudes. Now studying Vedic Astrology is helping me so much to know myself and to have a sort of belief system? or a map to think about life...? but to figure out my own path I can see I'll have to make it, on faith stone-steps, although inside of me...the illusion always blinking...begging who can tell me? If I could sneak away...
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(@Anonymous 24687)
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"Teachers have been the people more significantly have affected my life.
When being involved in some project with them, life was full of meaning. I just knew what I wanted to do and I did it.
However after some years I had to eventually leave them. I did not know how to properly relate to them. Falling in love with fantasies. Or becoming small, submissive or as a child, not having a voice...
To leave was not easy at all, many many tears but the learning stays."
I feel exactly the same way! I can't stay or leave. I am beginning to think maybe I need to pave my own path. 
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