Rahu & Ketu in Syna...
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[Solved] Rahu & Ketu in Synastry

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Hi Ernst and all,

When we use Rahu&Ketu in Synastry, do we also consider the maturation age for them? Meaning, do we follow the same procedure with falling back on Ketu until 42, then focus extensively on Rahu until Ketu matures...

When this is the case, which Age is relevant for this - the one of oneself or that of the partner?


Thanks for the clarification


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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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YOu have to do what is logical. If a person is running rahu maturation, and somoen shows up with sun, etc. on their rahu,  you can be sure that that person's planet is going to help rahu mature. the synastry is not related to the maturation. Maturation just shows what dominant theme is happening, and very often you will see a person come in that helps with that theme during that time. 

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@ernst OK, i will keep it simple...

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As a related comment: I'm about to turn 41 pretty soon so Rahu is coming up.

I have Rahu in Cancer and my older son has Sun, Moon, Mars and lagna lord Mercury in Cancer. He pushes my buttons so much, almost everything he does feels annoying or scary to me! I didn't expect parenting to be like this, silly me.

Also i have AK Moon in Libra where his Rahu is. So he's also in the Rahu jungle when he's with me. Growing up together is hard 🙂

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@brightsun Oh, I can understand you so well ... sometimes the kids are driving us to true mastery ... I have Rahu in Cancer, too, with Sun and my son´s lagna in Cancer, sun in opposition - his Rahu Dasa (Ra/Ma conjunct) started when he was 12 yrs. old, my Rahu Dasa started 2 years later ... It was so hard! I often tried to live from one day to the next one and to survive 😉 ... now he is adult and in the end he had contributed a lot to let go of my ego.

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@sonnenschein111 Both of you going through Rahu dashas at the same time, sounds like fun!😬 Me and my son have Saturn dashas running and will be for a while *sigh*.
