Ketu Transiting Asc...
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Ketu Transiting Ascendant Cusp

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Any personal experiences/anecdotes about Ketu transiting the ascendant cusp? Or reports from, and observations of, clients?

How big of an orb around the cusp degree are the effects most intense? How can this be handled and learned from?

I suppose this cannot be addressed without bringing attention to issues Rahu's simultaneous transit on the 7th cusp would bring up as well.

Any thoughts are welcome.



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For the slow-moving planets (Ju/Sa/outer planets/Ra/Ke), I use a 6-degree orb (that's not coming from Ernst though but a different source). I met my husband + moved in with him when Ketu was within 6 degrees of my lagna (of each side, and yes, it happened quite fast, 6/7 months) so I guess personal decisions/adjustments that impact our relationships/connections. But I don't have much experience with it beyond my own 😉

The other important transits are obviously the return but also the semi-return. Am in the midst of it (I have Ke/Ra in Ge/Sag and currently it's Ra/Ke in Ge/Sag). I feel it's a good time to integrate/balance both sides of the Rahu/Ketu axis when that happens.

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Sounds like you were ready to embrace Rahu on the 7th cusp(spouse/other) when Ketu was on the "self" point. Maybe you spent time working in the Rahu jungle before you met him, and it finally paid off?

Rahu is really getting my goat. It feels like being punished and put on the spot, but in a hilarious and fun way. Lots of irony and could go either way. Just have to wade through it no matter the result.

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@mitryendra80 What's interesting is that my husband has Ketu in his ascendant and Rahu in his 7th house. My Rahu jungle has a lot to do with trusting my intuition and taking leaps of faith regardless of how illogical my "Thruth" is, and I have to say I let it guide me then, but am definitely still working through it from my 46 years of age vantage point 😉 Good luck with your own journey. Lots to be learned there for sure!

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Often a noteworthy event around relationships - reaching some kind of milestone, moving in with the other person, an engagement,  your relationship changes forever due to the birth of kids or something. And on the flipside their can be a breakup, affairs, re-evaluating your relationship, going to relationship counseling, etc. 

Though I personally haven't seen a lot of clients coming for readings during this time, things I have observed are stagnation around the life path. Sometimes the person doesn't get any time for themselves, other times they have a lot of time but aren't doing much to move forward. Could bring a time where they rely more on the partner than they have in the past. 

For me, this transit coincided with a Venus return in the 7th house (the important retrograde return), Rahu transiting my Venus in the 7th, and it was the event that triggered the demise of my marriage. Was not happy with my body (1st house) during this time either. Couldn't make much progress with work due to my kids. 

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@staroracles-com Venus retrograde return? When does it usually happen?

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@veronica those are important because they occur less often than a direct Venus transit (who moves relatively fast). I don’t remember how often they occur but you can search for transits in Kala (and probably any other software) and see when that happened or will happen for you.

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@mona gracias ????  ????????

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I agree with Brooke, and I have had some of the things happen that she has covered in the first two paragraphs, both this time and the last time Ketu was transiting my 1st house/cusp.

The movement of Rahu-Ketu is in the opposite direction to the way the other planets move. So even though Ketu is transiting your Ascendant cusp, you have already been dealing with Ketu going through your 1st house or 2nd house/cusp as the case may be.

It might have all started with Ketu transiting the 4th house/cusp changing the foundation on which your life stands and moving onwards towards the 1st house/cusp. The only thing now standing in the way is the ego and the mind that wants things to be a certain way.

I can’t be sure, but a while ago, was it you who said that you were getting stung by scorpions every morning when you went to put on your shoes?

Once it goes over the Ascendant cusp, then it will be transiting through your 12th house. The 12th house is about releasing of everything, the house of liberation. Liberation comes through letting go of the ego, of the stories that tie us to expectations, desires, wants, needs, regrets, blame. This is where depending on others to take care of us helps while we go through some deep healing.

At this point, I am allowing others to help me where I need help. And this is the first time in my entire life where I am feeling completely drained of energy, which is to be expected because I am still going through the rest of the Capricorn transits. But because I have already sorted through my 2nd house things, that of self-love and self-esteem, I am also aware of whom to allow into my space. If it becomes a drain on my energy or if an interaction with someone/something is not rejuvenating for me, I allow things/people to fall away, because I do not have any extra to give to them. This has been a hard lesson for me to learn because I have had an inverse Rahu-Ketu return.

I am also spending a lot of time in isolation, but not as severe as I had been in between 2017-2019 when I was doing a lot of contemplation and catching up on a lot of things gone wrong in my life.

Depending on how old you are, I would recommend looking back at what happened when Ketu transited your 1st house/cusp and 12th house. You might have been getting memory flashbacks about certain incidents. This would be a time to heed those memories and take the lessons from them.

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