What Akriti Yoga/s is/are formed in this attached chart?
moving 2 planets (from 2th and from 10th) in 1 house already busy (but I can move these in 2 diffent house already busy) - Sara "arrow" yoga
moving 2 planets (from 4th and from 10th) in 2 diffent house void (one in 1th and one in 3th) - Nauka "boar" Yoga
moving 2 planets (from 2th and from 4th) in 2 diffent house void (one in 8th and one in 9th) - Kuta "peak" Yoga
moving 2 planets (from 4th and from 10th) in 2 diffent house void (one in 3th and one in 8th) - Ardha Chandra "half Moon" Yoga
moving 2 planets (from 5th and from 7th) in 2 diffent house void (one in 8th and one in 12th) - Samudra "sea" yoga
The rule is: where there is/are minor moving planets and houses, corrispond to formed akrit yoga. So Sara yoga is formed "(but I can move these in 2 diffent house already busy)". I dont know...
- If you use Ernst´s material for this, the reference charts are in South Indian style. It makes it easier to compare and reduces the risk for mistakes. F2 button changes the chart style, in case you didn´t know.
- I´m pretty sure Ernst doesn´t say anything about "busy houses". You can put the planets anywhere you want to, as far as I´ve understood it.
So yes, all those yogas are at hand. It takes a keen eye to discover the Samudra yoga out of that shape; I didn´t see it at first!
Based on the provided chart you have 2 planets in the 1st house, 1 planet in the 2nd house, 1 planet in the 3rd house, 1 planet in the 4th house, 1 planet in the 7th house and 1 planet in the 11th house.
Here is how I analyze the Akriti yogas:
- Sringataka – All the planets in the Lagna, 5th and 9th – Need to move 5 planets
- Hala - All the planets in the 2nd, 6th, 10th – need to move 6 planets
All the planets in 3rd, 7th, 11th – need to move 4 planets
All the planets in 4th, 8th 12th – need to move 6 planets
- Gada – All planets in two successive angles:
- 1st and 4th – need to move 4 planets
- 4th and 7th – need to move 5 planets
- 7th and 10th – need to move 6 planets
- 10th and 1st – need to move 4 planets
- Sakata – All planets in the Lagna and 7th house – Need to move 4 planets
- Vihaga – All planets in the 4th and 10th – Need to move 6 planets
- Kamala – All the planets in the 4 angles – Need to move 3 planets
- Vapi – All planets in 2nd, 5th 8th and 11th – Need to move 6 planets
- All planets in 3rd, 6th 9th and 12th – Need to move 6 planets
- Vajra – All benefics in the lagna and 7th house, and all malefics in the 4th and 10th. Unable to determine without knowing the name of the planets
- Yava – All malefics in the langa and 7th, and all benefics in the 4th and 10th. Unable to determine without knowing the name of the planets
- Yupa – All planets in all 4 houses commencing from the lagna – Need to move 2 planets
- Sara – All planets in all 4 houses commencing from the 4th house – Need to move 5 planets
- Shatki – All planets in all 4 houses commencing from the 7th house – Need to move 6 planets
- Danda – All planets in all 4 houses commencing from the 10th house – Need to move 4 planets
- Nauka – All planets in all 7 houses commencing from the lagna – Need to move 2 planets
- Kuta – All planets in all 7 houses commencing from the 4th house – Need to move 5 planets
- Chatra – All planets in all 7 houses commencing from the 7th house – Need to move 4 planets
- Chapa – All planets in all 7 houses commencing from the 10th house – Need to move 2 planets
- Ardha – All planets in all 7 houses commencing from a panaparas or apoklima:
- 2nd house – Need to move 3 planets
- 3rd house – Need to move 4 planets
- 5th house – Need to move 5 planets
- 6th house – Need to move 5 planets
- 8th house – Need to move 4 planets
- 9th house – Need to move 3 planets
- 11th house – Need to move 2 planets
- 12th house – Need to move 3 planets
- Chakra – All planets in six alternate rasis commencing from the lagna (1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th) – need to move 2 planets
- Samudra – All planets in six alternate rasis commencing from the 2nd house (2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th) – Need to move 4 planets
Conclusion: Unable to determine the Vajra and Yava yogas because name of the planets were not provided. This person has 5 Akriti yogas, Yupa, Nauka, Chapa, Ardha and Chakra. Wow!
Based on the provided chart you have 2 planets in the 1st house, 1 planet in the 2nd house, 1 planet in the 3rd house, 1 planet in the 4th house, 1 planet in the 7th house and 1 planet in the 11th house.
Hi @Tuyetv, there are: one planet in the second, two in the 4th, one in the 5th, one in the 6th, one in the 7th and one in the 10th. No planet in the other houses. I think the confusion comes from the fact that you are looking at the sign numbers instead of the houses (for example, there are 2 planets in Aries (1) in the 4th house). In the North Indian chart, the houses never move position, the first house always being at the top of the diamond, etc... I find the North Indian chart great to determine Akriti yoga but it's a personal (visual) preference.
Found Ernst's words in the manual:
"Then see what Akriti Yogas are most closely formed, these will
particularly influence the natives core makeup. An easy way to do
this is to simply judge how many planets would have to be
rearranged in order for the full conditions of the yoga to be
present. The Akriti Yoga that requires the least rearranging will
be the prevalent yoga."
So "the planets rearranged" are the focus, he dont mentions the house.