Hi everyone,
For the purposes of determining the dala yogas in the "Astrology of Character" course, Ernst said only to consider the seven planets and ignore Rahu and Ketu.
Do we use Jaimini definitions of gentle vs. cruel planets for this class? Is Mercury considered to be a benefic for the purposes of these yogas? Or does it become a malefic by being joined with the Sun/waning Moon/Mars/Saturn or Rahu?
I'm specifically wondering about how this applies to the Sarpa Yoga (the angles occupied by malefics).
Have a lovely Sunday!
Hi Angela,
I asked this question last year as i was trying to determine the Dala Yogas (Mala vs Sarpa). In my question i had a chart with Sun Mercury and Mars in 7th and Jupiter in 10th. I wanted to know if you would count Mercury as a malefic since it is with Sun and Mars. Ernst replied that he would always take Mercury as a benefic for this and of course as you stated above you don't count Rahu and Ketu... I searched for this tread but i can't seem to find it. It was posted on June 8, 2020
Happy Sunday to you 2!
I always count mercury as a benefic for Dala yoga.