Dainya Yoga
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Dainya Yoga

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1st question is why do we have the yogas that we have?  What does that say about our soul having earned them in this lifetime , whether good or bad.  
and secondly, I feel like I’m missing the silver lining in this chart..a woman has Aries lagna, rahu in Taurus, Mars in libra, Saturn, sun, ketu, Venus in Scorpio ; moon and Mercury in sag and Jupiter in Saturn.  I see that she probably has issues with her husband and her pelvic area.  I want to look more into medical astrology to help her and suggested to start with star of Beth, but because it’s the d-yoga, is she just going to have problems with her partner and pelvic issues for the rest of her life?  Can’t burn through the karma of the yoga from what I understand but there must be something to do for the planets.

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Amit Bhat
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I think yogas tie us to events based on what we deserve according to our past life karmas.

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Jupiter is in Saturn - is it in Capricorn or Acquarius?



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@tuyetv I'm sorry for miswriting that the first time, she has Jupiter in Aquarius 9:57

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@valen This is my general analysis in the context of yogas for this chart. This is just to offer somewhat of a high level foundation/background information about this chart:

This chart has 4 planets in fix signs Scorpio and Acquarius (Saturn, Sun, Venus and Jupiter), 1 planet in moveable sign Libra (Mars), and 2 planets in dual sign Sagitarius (Moon and Mercury). It has predominantly planets in fix sign - the Musala Yoga. Per Ernst’s Yoga of Character’s class, people with Musala Yoga they are most capable of taking what comes to them and making the most out of it. They don’t like changes or starting something new and different, but once they get going they are stable, consistent and therefore, successful. The stick to what they do (fix sign), and have the greatest capacity for lasting and long-term success

She has Mars a malefic in the 7th One cruel planet in an angle. Life will play out difficult and frustrated for her in general...

She has all planets in 4 rasis or Kedara Yoga. All the planets in four rasis indicate a secure person who is a stable and persistent worker. She might be fickle minded, slow to change with new things that are not in line with her current activities or thoughts. Mercury becomes an important planet for Kedara Yoga so you need to look at the disposition of her Mercury. Her Mercury is with Moon its natural enemy…..  

This person has 1 Akriti yogas, Shakti – All planets in all 4 houses commencing from the 7th – Need to move 1 planet. Per Ernst's Yogas of character, it said Shakti means power, energy, capacity, strength, ability. People with Shakti Yoga are driven towards activity, and while their actions are inclined to benefit others, they have difficulty felling satisfied which prevents them from enjoying the good things they have accomplished. This is interesting because per above she is more of a fix signed person who does not like changes.... I have this yoga, but i have more planets in moveable signs so it fits in well with my personality

This chart has the 7/8 PV Danya Yoga Venus/Mars. 7th is 12th from the 8th. A lot of breaks and losses here. This Danya yoga is going to cause breaks and losses in one’s love life, relationship life, partnership life with losses involved. These people tend to have a very difficult time finding stability in their partner. Very hard to have long-term relationship. 8th house is a hidden house. There is something hidden in there…

Mars the Lagna Lord in the 7th house means her life tends to involve significantly around relationships, partnerships. The 7th house is a Kama house, desires…

In analyzing Yogakarakas there are 2 auspicious planets for Aries Lagna, and they are Sun and Jupiter per Parashara. Jupiter the 9th trine lord and 12th Lord is in the 11th house so no yoga there. She has the 4th Lord Moon (angle) in the 9th house trine which forms a yoga but Moon conjuncts Mercury who is the 6th evil lord, so that messes up that yoga. Moon is the weakest angular lord whereas Mercury is the 2nd strongest evil lord, so Mercury will obstruct the Moon. Her Mars is not with any auspicious planet so no yoga there. Her 5th lord Sun is with the 11th lord Saturn and the inauspicious Venus so no yoga there. No Dharma Yoga here that I can see.

She has 3 planets in the 8th house the Moksha house with 2 angular lords (Saturn and Venus) and a trine lord (Sun) so that is an indication of significant action in the Moksha house. She has Saturn Sun Venus hemmed in between malefic Mars and benefic Moon and Mercury. 4th from Saturn Sun and Venus is Jupiter which is a benefic. Sun and Venus represent the father. 8th from Mars is Rahu and also 6th from Moon is Rahu. Moon and Mars represent the mother. Cruel planets from 4th, 6th or 8th from the Karaka will harm it is the general rule. You would need to look at other vargas to confirm this…

She has Saturn Sun conjunction. Sun is the 5th lord, children. Saturn is the 10th and 11th lord. The Sun ruling the 5th house is being hurt by Saturn. Did she have problems with children due to work (10th house)? Saturn in the 8th house makes a person emotionally vulnerable

Others feel free to chime in. It was a fun exercise for me....



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@tuyetv Wow, thank you for that help in breaking it down.  I am looking through all of what you said and making notes.  This really helps me to understand how to put it all together when looking at charts.  I was looking at Mercury and Moon and thought that when they are together, they create a healer.  Is that true?  I thought I learned that somewhere...

She is a hard worker and has had many ups and downs in relationships.  She focuses on work to keep her from being distracted by relationships when they turn sour.  Now I am going to look at the L. A. s to see how she might be able to help herself.

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@valen that is my understanding too Mercury Moon is a healer when they conjunct or in a trine. Here they conjunct an in the 9th house, a trine house. Is she a healer?



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@tuyetv I thought Mercury alone could give the healing gift. So that is wrong? I have a son who I have reasons to believe has the healer´s gift. He´s AK is Mercury in his Lagna, with Mars and Venus, so both possible acupuncture and nurse. His Moon is in the Pada, in an angle from Mercury. All aspecting his 6th cusp. Would that be enough?

(In D60 they are also connected to the 6th, but in the Navamsa only the Mercury seems to be connected. Not 100 % sure about his birthtime though.)


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@meyes i remembered from several of Ernst's videos that he said Moon Mercury could make someone a healer. On one chart the Moon Mercury conjunction was in Virgo. The 6th sign is about disease, services....I am sure there are other astrological positions that could make someone a healer. Dig Bala wise Mercury is weakest in the 7th house and strongest in the 1st house so your son has a nice Mercury.

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@meyes I think that mercury alone could do that because my AK is Mercury too and I'm a massage therapist, my Saman guru gave me the name of 'Soul Healer' too.  I have a really good Venus too and I guess that makes for a healer as well.  I have to learn more about the pada, and uppapada...I've heard those terms but not sure what it means.  Is that in Jaimini courses?

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@valen venus is a nurse. when we are sick we want someone with a good Venus... yeah pada and uppapada is Jaimini....

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No karmas are here just to make us suffer needlessly. Every karma is there so we can burn it up. Maybe that means we overcome it, or maybe it means we struggle with it all the way up until the end. But the mere experience of the karma helps us burn it in this life bringing us closer to freedom.  

I was watching the dainya yoga videos as well and thinking, how the hell do I say this to people? And I think unless it is strictly necessary, it may be better to not say anything, and if we do say, be very careful about what we say. Because these yogas can sound like, "So basically you're screwed forever" and that's not helpful for anyone. 

I'd check dignity and avasthas to see if she can get through it in this life, overcome it, and come out stronger the other side. If the planet is in terrible shape, it may just have to be endured, in which case, we should perhaps tread carefully with our words. 

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@nickmichie23 I agree with what you say about needlessly suffering, but I thought I heard Ernst say that we can't burn up the karma of a dainya yoga, so I'm confused.  Perhaps we should caution the person to not give in to the "negative way' of dealing with their yoga, such as becoming a cheater, etc. and to strive to do everything they can to make it better even though it seems like it will never get better?  

Thank you for the recommendation to look at dignities and avasthas...I'm still a beginner, I think.  All help is appreciated.

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@valen I think Ernst means: you are bound to have this experience in this lifetime, not that you don´t gain any merit from having it.

And I suppose @mitryendra80 in an ironic way is saying the same thing, right?



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@nickmichie23 It´s very different to read a tough chart for an older person than for a younger... When we are past 50 it´s often relieving to hear why we´ve had to go through hardships I think.



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By "We can't burn up the karma of a dainya yoga", does that mean that it is an eternal feature of every consecutive lifetime incarnation of the soul that has it. That even hundreds of lifetimes they will still have it and will be reflected in the chart.

If the answer is yes than I plan to intentionally spread the misery and live up to the reputation of wickedness that authors attribute it to, starting with this forum until Ernst has no choice but to remove me.


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