No, that is not how it works. Our charts indicate the allotted fruits of karmas for this lifetime. we only die, once all that has been burned - until its been burnt, we can't die. Of course, there is no telling how much fruits of karmas we are generating during this lifetime... so don't spread the misery, haha. but really, that does not matter, its not about spreading misery or goodness, both of those result in fruits of karmas. Its all about the path of non-action, and no, that does not mean that nothing is done. Its all done, just without being driven by the mind, ideas, concepts and wounds.
I don't think it works that way. There are a few souls that due to God's will maintain their bodies as needed, but its not something that someone can set out to do with an intention. All intention comes from the wounded self. The true self does not think along those lines, it does not think along the lines of any wants or needs as it has none.