I took the Yogas of Character class back in December 2019. I went back to look at my notes. Yes, Ernst did mention Muhammad Ali had this yoga. It also appears from Ernst's diagram explanation that just two successive angles from the Ascendant so only two houses. But just from the statement "Planets from two successive angles", in my mind i have multiple interpretation of that statement. I pulled up Muhammad Ali's chart for confirmation, and he has planets in 4 houses not 2. He has Sun in the 6th House, Moon, Venus and Mercury in the 7th, Mars and Saturn in the 10th, and Jupiter in the 11th. So not sure if this Yoga applied to him...The internet information said his birth information (time) is excellent...
Yeah it remains we have 4 planets in one house and 3 planets in the other house. 4 planets in one house that is usually not good unless 1, 9th or 10th. Not sure how that comes into play with this yoga....
No plans to add akriti yogas. its quite nearly impossible to program them actually as we are looking for closest fit, not exact, so would be so much work, not really worth it. best to develop our brains on this one.
Gada yoga is on actual angles, so 4th and 7th. Akriti yogas are much much more important than the 1-7 houses yogas. So if there is yuga of 2 rasis, there may be gada yoga, so this will be a productive yuga yoga person, which is not typically the case.
No, notplanning to program kala to think those out. We are thinking of adding an AI option to kala and if so, then maybe. But i fyou use them regularly, its not hard to find them.