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Solar Yoga and Venus Saturn Conjunction

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Hi Ernst


I am listening to one of your vargas videos, and you said it is best to have Saturn and Venus (enemies of the Sun) in the Rasi to be in either 2nd or 12th from the Sun. This creates a solar yoga with the Sun which makes a person able to use Saturn and Venus under the guidance of the Sun without Saturn or Venus afflicting the Sun or the Sun afflicting Saturn and Venus

I am looking at a chart with Saturn Venus conjunction in the 8th House (Rasi) and they are 2nd from the Sun. I think Saturn is still going to starve Venus due to the conjunction, but they are forming a Solar yoga so they will not be creating affliction to the Sun and the Sun will not cause problems with these two planets. Is this the correct understanding? Thx!



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Ernst Wilhelm
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Correct, sun is not causing trouble to these two planets but saturn is still starving Venus. 

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Have you found to have Sa in the 2nd or 12th from the Mo (Lunar Yoga) to at all bring depression/psychological imbalance? I have heard other vedic astrologers to say that the person is 'born in sade sati'. 

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It makes them pessimistic, closed off to new things and they usually reject new ideas outright but personally, have not found it to cause depression. 

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@scathach My wife has Saturn in the 12th from the Moon and she´s the most optimistic person I know. Not in an overcompensating way. She always find a solution.

Not a proof of anything, since there is many things to a chart. 

But still.


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@scathach I have 2 friends with Saturn in 12th from Moon. Both are quite open to new ideas. Both have a delighted Mercury. 

One of them has Saturn in 8th in Cancer. She had health difficulties in her first years (if we think of Sade Sati). Also her Sun is in Aquarius. She is rather optimistic and very active, dynamic and enjoying life, but can have a another side where she can tend towards depression. Or sometimes she can be too sensitive to some social settings, which kind of contradict her overall attitude. Maybe some inner emptiness. 
The other one has Saturn, Mars and Ketu in 10th in Gemini. Her health is very good. Sun in Aries. She is not at all into depression. But she often has a serious attitude towards life. Life is not a joke. She works in a NGO to help 3rd world countries.
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I will let Ernst comment on this but per his teaching, lunar yoga "Saturn in the 12th from the Moon (Anapha Yoga) indicates the person's consciousness has been conditioned by hardship, stress and fears, suppression or discipline. This creates a tendency towards caution and preparedness or indifference, but also a greater capacity to handle difficulties and for detachment. The fears and stress is this case have not damaged the personality but rather hardened and strengthened it, or served to detach the mind. The houses, planets etc...that Saturn rules indicate those things and people that have served to stress, and thereby strengthen or detach the person"

"Saturn in the 2nd from the Moon forming Sunapha Yoga indicates the person reacts to their experiences with concern, caution, detachment, or indifference, and they develop strength and detachment as a result of their experiences. The houses etc...that Saturn rules will indicate those things and people which serve to strengthen and detach the person..."



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Interesting, everything that you say.

What do we know about other positions?

Does anyone know about the existence of a course focused on how to read the chart from the Moon? Although I guess it´s basically the same as from the Lagna?

For example, in my D1 Saturn/Rahu is in the 8th from the Moon. Hardly an ideal position I guess?


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