Navamsa Yogas
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Navamsa Yogas

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The Satya Jatakam has Navamsa yogas associated with the dasa lords.

"if the ascendant lord is placed in the 2nd house in conjunction with the lord of the 2nd house, during its dasa, the native will become very rich....But, if in the Navamsa chakra, the lord of the asc is placed in the 6th, 8th, or 12th amsas from the amsa in which the lord of the 2nd house is placed, the effects previously told will be very much affected. He will have very little gain of wealth. He will experience both happiness and unhappiness."

Is this saying that if the dasa of the asc lord placement in the D9 is 6, 8, or 12th from the navamsa placement of the D1 2nd lord, than more ill effects come about? Basically, we are looking at the two lords from each other in the D9? The quote is a little confusing...

In your muhurta book you have something that if say Mo is in Taurus in the D1, but in Li, Sg, or Ar in the D9 than the Mo is weakened since Mo is in the 6, 8 or 12th D9 signs from the D1 placement.

Have you found these kind of Navamsa yogas to be useful in dasa interpretation?





1 Reply
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

yes, these principles work. 
