Loss of spouse yoga...
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Loss of spouse yogas

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I’m not sure if Ernst has mentioned this specifically in any transit yoga of character or 7th bhava course has anyone come across a yoga in the Vedic texts on one murdered by spouse or murdering spouse/partner

just my morbid curiosity 


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I think it would be under  mental illness yoga’s and kuja dosha there are numerous factors I understand but you here about crimes of passion everyday almost and just for the record this is not a personal question I am not married or in a relationship it’s good to know before getting involved with someone 

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there is a general yoga for loss of spouse or children - 5th Lord in the 7th or 7th Lord in the 5th. For mental illness there is a yoga for insanity and Jim Jones had this yoga - (the town/cult group committed suicide) - Venus & Moon in angle while a malefic is in either the 5th or 8th causes MahaGada Yoga which causes insanity...



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@tuyetv thank you for your reply. I was also thinking with the kapatayoga Rahu in the fourth. Would that affect somebody’s mental balance? Maybe they do some kind of atrocious act like that.

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@aisky If I remember correctly there's another Maha Pataka (?) ''great sin'' yoga - Rahu-Moon in 4th house, aspected by Jupiter joined by malefic (guys please correct me if I'm wrong, trying to remember this yoga now, I know Ernst mentioned it somewhere), it doesn't particulary indicate murdering spouse, however, it does indicate that the person can do something horrible. Also not a good Nabhasa yoga can give foundation, need to check the whole chart obviously.

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@kannessa-chan yes serial killer son of Sam had this yoga if I remember correctly 

thx kannessa

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@tuyetv Interesting, I have Moon in the 1st, Venus in the 10th, and Rahu (with Mercury) in the 8th, yet Kala doesn't detect this yoga in the Mental Illness section. Perhaps there is a condition that the malefic in the 8th is not joined by a benefic?

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@nkan Hi Nadya - In Jim Jones' chart Mars is in his 8th house by itself with Moon and Venus in angle. Kala picked up the yoga. My guess is that Mercury in the purest sense is a benefic and not a malefic and that is why Kala did not id this yoga...Perhaps Ernst could chime in....



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@tuyetv yes, that must be it 😊

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@nkan I too have Moon Venus in an angle and 8th house with a malefic and a benefic (conjunction). Kala did not id this as a yoga in my chart either. So for this yoga to manifest the 5th or 8th must have just malefic planets...That is a good thing that we both don't have this yoga...LOL



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@tuyetv the Universe decided we had enough on our plates as it is 🤭

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Kapata is a "deceit yoga" and it is quite common that i have seen in charts. You really need to look at the chart as a whole...Maybe pull up charts of women who killed their partners to see what sort of things stand out....



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@tuyetv yes deceit yoga is more common I have this yoga myself and moon with rahu in 3rd house cusp I find for me I deceive myself more than other people I think this would be more problematic for women not communicating with their partners

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a couple of women spies in the history they have the kapata yoga...Ernst said the most severe ones are those with Rahu in the 4th followed by Ketu in the 4th...



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