"The hidden code of...
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"The hidden code of planets"

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Hi Ernst, your friend Kapiel some years ago published this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hhw-95f0htI , "the hidden code of planets" he calls it; it consists in mirroring the MT and EX-relatonships of each planet in the personal chart; so since the Sun´s Exaltation Rasi is 9th places away from it´s MT-rasi we take that as an indication of the 9th house from the Sun being strongly supported by the Sun in any chart. Similarly it´s weak three rasi´s from where it´s placed, mirroring the fact that Libra (DB Sun) is three rasis from Leo (MT Sun).

And so for the rest of the planets of course.

A couple of questions about that:

1. Do you use this technique? Do you recommend it? From what I can see it´s seems quiete accurate, do you agree?

2. If so, do you consider the cusps too? I´ve tried that, like the rasi´s number from the Lagna in a more internal way and the actual cusp for more concrete things. I think it works.


Best regards


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Ernst Wilhelm
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I have not found that working great. Take my chart for instance. I have sun in 8th so 10th is third.  I have been self employed since I was 25. I have status. I have a good 10th house. My 4th house is 9th form my sun. I had terrible luck with home and property until 40. I moved many times, mostly lived in bad places, and always had car problems, so my 4th has given me a lot more problems than my 10th! 

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@ernst  Hm... And you were born on this planet you say? ???? 

That´s too bad, I was really optimistic about this technique; I found that it worked for me.


Thank you Ernst!

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I am still fascinated by rashis and colors. I wonder what it was that would force someone to live in an orange house for a while. Orange used to be the Sag. color. My 4th is Pisces but I sure don't live in a glass house (yet), but it has lots of windows. And I wonder how Libra was involved in that vivid green door you used to do videos in front of?

I find Vastu fascinating and there seem to be a lot of clues even in each room and areas of the yard about the yogas, doshas, and curses in the chart, and even the deities we are indebted or who are mad at us, or to whom we have a certain connection with. These show up vividly when two or more generations live in the same house.

There are different folk traditions in India that seem to be based on generations of observation. Stagnant bodies of water near or on the property, certain varieties of trees or thickets of plants in the yard. They all mean something, even about the state of mind or habits of the residents. It is like a diagnostic puzzle.

Since the rashis and grahas are associated with certain directions and rooms, examining the property in and around the apartment or house someone lives in during a certain period of life may be a good way to test the effectiveness of dashas, and how they are calculated, and which ones are currently active.


Ernst Wilhelm
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Try it on a lot of charts, if it works for you, it works for you. These snap shot techniques, there are so many of them in India. They work but not generally to a high percentage of times, but high enough that if your intuition is sensitive enough to use them at the right time on the right chart, they work like magic. 

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And then you realize it´s the same for MD:s for example. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn´t... Sometimes the disease follows the rules, sometimes it doesn´t.

Thanks Ernst! A spare technique for charts that just don´t want to speak to you, I guess.


Ernst Wilhelm
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I own an orange house, bought it august 30 2012. Saw it April 16th 2012 but it took months to get due to some listing issues. Its doubled its value since i bought it and I am glad its orange, it lets my call it the pumpkin. here are pics 2240 W Levie Ln, Prescott, AZ 86305 | Zillow . I moved out of it in march 29 2018 when I bought a boring tan colored house but I still own the orange house which my kids live in. 

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@ernst Your kids are very fortunate to have their own place!

Do you know if it was the Scorpio rashi on some level, varga, or dasha that contributed to the orangeness?
