Last seen: Sep 19, 2021
Thanks, cody, that's helpful. @ernst, what do you think?
I'm afraid I am not convinced. What you are saying is that the strongest kendra is equal to the strongest trishadaaya is equal to the strongest trikon...
I'm afraid not.You say:11th lord is the strongest evil lord and 5th lord is 2nd strongest trine lord. So you can use these in yoga judgement. If 5th...
Hi Cody, I was not referring to the natural ages of the planets. I was referring to the role that the innate nature of the planet plays in a static an...
Thanks, Ernst. These rules are tricky, which is why I am finding it best to clarify if I have the slightest doubt. And different authors have differ...
There is still considerable confusion on this point, and I know other astrologers who do consider using varga aspects calculated on the varga longitud...
Try and follow the course syllabus outlined in the Astrology Curriculum document. It helps.
I guess I'll stick with the Parashara Formula For Yoga Judgment Course for now. Seems less intimidating than the Snapshooting Vimshottari I course.Her...